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Narayan Bali Puja

Narayan Bali Puja At Srirangapatna: Cost, Vidhi & Benefit

99Pandit Ji
Last Updated:May 8, 2024

How can we describe Narayan Bali Puja Cost, Vidhi & Benefits? Is Narayan Bali puja necessary to perform? Why is Narayan Bali good at performing at Srirangapatna? How much does the Narayan Bali pooja cost, including pandit booking?

Today we are going to discuss Narayan Bali puja’s cost and its benefits. Performing Narayan Bali pooja helps individuals seek relief from bad karma, such as if they have killed a snake.

If you want to perform the Narayan Bali Puja at Srirangapatna, you must contact Pandit Ji of the temple, or else you can book a pandit online to perform the Narayan Bali Pooja.

Narayan Bali Puja

The priests perform this Narayan Bali pooja on the Kaveri river near the Srirangapatna temple. The narayan bali puja is a combination of two different puja such as narayan bali pooja & naag bali puja. 

When someone dies suddenly in an unnatural manner and the cause of death remains unknown, priests perform Narayan Bali by combining two pujas into a single one.

The reason behind performing Narayan Bali pooja is to appease Lord Narayan for the human who has an unnatural death. The Narayan Bali pooja in all scenarios of unnatural death such as death by animals, disease, curse, snake bite, etc.

In order to fulfil the desires of dead people who died unnaturally and are trapped in our world seeking moksha and peace, we perform the Narayan Bali puja at Srirangapatna. Trapped souls of people stay with us even after their death. The people who died due to unnatural reasons and before their death time trouble their descendants.

What Is Narayan Bali Puja At Srirangapatna

People perform a three-day Vedic ceremony called Narayan Nagbali Puja (Pitra dosh) in honour of Narayan. This Puja comes in two varieties: Narayan Bali Puja and Nagbali Puja. Two distinct purposes drive both Pujas.

Nagbali Puja is performed to atone for killing a cobra or snake, while Narayan Bali is performed to free oneself from unhappy souls. At the Triveni Sangam near the Srirangapatna Temple in Karnataka. Both conducted the Puja Narayan Bali and Nagbali Puja.

Once Lord Vishnu said in Garuda Purana to Shree Garuda “If the family does not perform the last funeral rites of dead man, being hungry, their soul roams in the airy form in day and night”.




In such a case, we perform the Narayan Bali puja by taking Sankalpa and establishing the Kalasha to appease Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, yam, and Preta. At the end of Narayan Bali puja, people perform Narayan Bali Srardham and Homam.

At the end of puja, the performer has a darshan of Sri Ranganathan Swamy and takes a bath at the Kaveri river while performing pind daan. 

The ancient Indian mythical work Garuda Puran discusses the significance of performing Narayan Nagbali Puja. Performing Narayan Nagbali on the sacred terrain of Srirangapatna is believed to positively impact our family.

When To Perform Narayan Bali Puja

An expert pandit with Vedic knowledge only suggests the auspicious timing for performing the Narayan Bali puja at Srirangapatna.

Pitru paksha, Amavasya, Poornima, Ashtami, and Dwadashi are the days to perform Narayan Bali puja. 

Pandit also checked the nakshatras of the dead persons to pay them the Narayan Bali puja. Such nakshatras for the puja are Kritika, Punarvasu, Vishaka, Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra, Dhanista, Satabhisha, and Revati.

Types Of Narayan Bali Puja

Narayan Bali Pooja is performed to give peace to the souls of one’s who died suddenly and unnaturally. The Narayan Bali pooja combines two different pujas for those whose cause of death is unknown. There are two types of Narayan Bali pooja:

Narayan Bali Puja

1. Narayan Bali Pooja

In selected teertha kshetras across India, people perform Narayan Bali puja. One of the ancient places and teertha kshetra is Srirangapatna. The purpose of performing Narayan Bali pooja is to pay in the case when someone dies unnaturally in a family. 

The cause of death could be suicide, accident, snake bite, cholera, etc. If you have dosh in your horoscope, do not perform the shraddha for many. In that case, we perform the Narayan Bali pooja. People perform Narayan Bali puja to address all these things.

2. Naag Bali Puja

The Naag Bali puja, as the name suggests, people perform to rid themselves of the sin of killing a snake, particularly a cobra. During the Naag Bali puja ritual, people perform the last rites for a snake made of wheat flour.

You can perform Naag Bali puja in Srirangapatna. The Narayan Bali pooja alone doesn’t involve sacrifices or Naag Bali rituals. That’s why these two pujas are often performed together.

Narayan Bali Puja Mantra 

“शस्त्रघातमृताये चा स्पर्शस्पृष्टवा तथैव च तत्तु दुर्मरणम ग्येयम यच्चजातं विधिंविना।अतःतस्य सुतै पौत्रे सपिंडैशुभमिच्छुभिः नारायणबलिं कार्यो लोकगर्धाभिया खग”

Vidhi Of Narayan Bali Pooja At Srirangapatna

Read the steps to follow the procedure to perform Narayan Bali Puja in Srirangapatna.

The first step of this ritual is to purify your body, known as deha shudhi vidhi & Prayashita vidhi, to remove all your sins. The performer takes a holy bath in the Kaveri river to make his body clean and holy to attend the puja.

In Hindu rituals, every puja starts with Sankalp, and Kalash Sthapana with the worship of Lord Surya, Lord Ganesh, and Lord Vishnu.

Later the five Gods worshiped Lord Brahma, Lord Mahesh, Lord Vishnu, yam, and Tatpurusha with their glorification. Pandits perform Pran Pratishtha and install the idols of these five gods in different metal images.




After the Pran Pratistha, pandit performs the Agnisthapan, Purashasukta Havan, Ekadashi Vishnu Shraddha, Panchadevta Shraddha Balidan, Palashvidhi, Pind Dan Paranshar, and Dashant Karma.

The other parts of the Narayan Bali Pooja at Srirangapatna included Maikoddishta Shradhha, Masik Shradhha, Sapindi Shraddha, Nagbali Prayashcitta Sankalpa, Nagabli Sankapla, Pran Pratishthapana and ritual of a cobra last rites, praying of snake, sacrifice and Nagdahan and Pooja.

During each step and ritual of this puja, pandits instructed the performers to observe the Ashauch or Sutak for a day and refrain from touching anyone.

Narayan Bali Pooja In Srirangapatna Instructions

  1. Performing Narayan Nagbali Puja together by couples solves a person’s money-related problems and also gives rise to progeny, success in work, and freedom from debt.
  2. People perform Narayan Nagbali Puja for the salvation of the family and descendants, even if they are not married or if their wife is not alive.
  3. A pregnant woman can worship Narayan Nagbali only for the fifth month before conception.
  4. If there is any auspicious work in the household like a marriage ceremony or a naming ceremony, then the family performs this puja after one year.
  5. If someone dies in the house, then the Narayan Bali Pooja cannot be performed for one year.
  6.  A woman cannot perform this puja alone.
  7. If a family member goes missing and waits for one month, three months, one year, or three years, they cannot be considered dead. But if that person does not return during this period, then we must free him from the phantom vagina through Narayan Nagbali worship, and this is the law of the scriptures.
  8. A person must avoid food containing onion and garlic during the period of worship.
  9. A person must stay in Trimbakeshwar until they complete this worship because this ritual is a scripture that cannot be left incomplete.
  10.  During the worship, men wear dhoti, handkerchiefs, etc. and women wear white saree.
  11.  It is necessary to be present in Trimbakeshwar 4 days before the day of worship.

Narayan Bali Puja Cost In Srirangapatna

Cost depends on the puja samagri and havan performed by the Pandit Ji. After the completion of the puja, it depends on the devotees how much they want to give Dakshina to Pandit Ji.

Narayan Bali Pooja takes 3 days to complete the ritual and the performer requires a place to perform the puja. The pandit required for this puja ritual is more than one. Because one pandit does this pooja whereas other pandits recite the Narayan Bali puja mantra.

Narayan Bali Puja

  • The person who is going to perform the Narayan Bali Puja Cost should bring new clothes to wear. The cost & package of Narayan Bali Pooja is around Rs. 7000/- INR – 8000/- INR
  • If the family arranges the stay for Pandit Ji, it starts from Rs 500.
  • In that case, the cost would increase if you need more than one pandit and extra puja samagri. The cost could be Rs. 10000/- INR – 15000/- INR.

Who Should Perform Narayan Bali Pooja In Srirangapatna

Performing Narayan Bali Pooja in India does not incur high costs, as it is a vital component of the Hindu ritual conducted for the peace of ancestors. If your family member died unnaturally or suddenly, in that case performing Narayan Bali Puja is a must. 

The Narayan Bali Pooja is only performed at the Kaveri River in Srirangapatna, located in Karnataka. Do not conduct this puja anywhere else.

If any person has dosh in his Kundali, he should perform the Narayan Bali Puja in Srirangapatna. 

Benefits Of Narayan Bali Pooja In Srirangapatna

  • When the ancestral curse is lifted, it removes all challenges, nightmares, and hindrances.
  • This is a solution for all issues, including illness, delayed marriage and childbirth, financial difficulties, and more.
  • Our forefathers have assured us their blessings, and they will continue to rest in peace.
  • Narayan Bali Pooja helps to eliminate the negative horoscope effects of  Dosh.
  • After the ritual is complete, protect the family from any evil spirits.
  • The purpose of the Narayan Bali puja is to free the ancestors’ souls.
  • People perform Narayan Bali Pooja to invoke prosperity, success, and good health.
  • For couples experiencing challenges or delays in having children, advisors recommend Narayan Bali Pooja as a means to fulfil their wishes in business and career.


  • Eliminate ancestor’s curses
  • Relief from roadblocks, stumbling blocks, and nightmares
  • Remove the detrimental effects of Dosha.
  • The best part of Narayan Bali Pooja is getting satisfaction and positive vibes in the family.
  • Narayan Bali Puja provides good health and success in life or education.

Note: Send us your inquiry if you are looking for any kind of puja services, we are available to help you with your requirements. Click on the “Book a Pandit” button to enter your details to provide your requirements.

Sum Up

Narayan Bali Pooja at Srirangpatnam is one of the most important pujas in Hinduism. Devotees perform this puja to appease the deities for the welfare of their ancestors. They perform this puja when they are not able to perform the last rituals of their known people as per the authentic vidhi.

It is important to perform the rituals of this puja as per the authentic vidhi. Devotees perform Narayan Bali Pooja at holy sites such as Haridwar and Srirangpatnam. It can be difficult for the devotees to perform this puja as per the authentic vidhi.

They worry about finding the right Pandit Ji to perform the rituals of this puja. Not anymore. Devotees can now book Pandit for Narayan Bali Puja in Srirangpatnam on 99Pandit. It is easy to book Pandit Ji on 99Pandit. Devotees enjoy booking Pandit Ji on 99Pandit.

For more information on Hinduism, visit the WhatsApp channel of 99Pandit.

Frequently Asked Question

Q. What is the Narayan Naagbali puja?

A.The souls of dead people who died unnaturally and trapped in our world to seek moksha and peace, for them Narayan Bali puja is performed to fulfil their desires. Trapped souls of people stay with us even after their death.

Q. What is the time required for the Narayan Bali Puja to perform?

A.This Narayan Bali Pooja takes 3 days to complete the ritual and the performer requires a place to stay and perform the puja. And the auspicious day to start this Narayan Bali Pooja is Sunday, Monday & Thursday.

Q. What is Narayan Bali Puja in srirangapatna?

A. Narayan Bali puja was performed to give peace to the souls of ones who died suddenly and unnaturally. Narayan Bali pooja is a combination of two different pujas combined to perform for those whose cause of death is unknown.

Q. What is done under Naag Bali puja?

A. Naag Bali puja as the name describes performed to get rid of the sin of killing a snake, especially a cobra. In the ritual of Naag Bali puja, the last rites of the body of a snake which is made of wheat flour are performed.

Q. Where can Narayan Nagbali puja be performed?

A. Narayan Naagbali Puja at Kaveri River in Srirangapatna is performed for three days. The purpose of this ritual is to be performed by families to give peace to the souls of their departed family members who met an untimely death.

Q. What mantra is chanted for Narayan Bali Pooja?

A. The mantra chanted for Narayan Bali puja is “ओम नमः भगवते वासुदेवाय” .

Q. What are the effects of doing Narayan Bali Puja at srirangapatna?

A. Narayan Bali pooja is to be performed only for the person whose cause of death is unknown. This puja satisfies ancestors, removes dosh, brings peace, and enhances health, and prosperity increases.



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