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Verified Pandit for Vishnu Puran: Cost, Vidhi, & Benefits

Verified Pandit for Vishnu Puran: Cost, Vidhi, & Benefits

99Pandit Ji
Last Updated:September 20, 2024

Pandit for Vishnu Puran Path can help devotees perform Vishnu Puran path as per authentic vidhi. Vishnu Puran is one of the other maha puran and smallest puran in all purans. In Hindu culture, the four Vedas are religious texts from Upanishads to Bhagwat Geeta from the Upanishads. This article will also discuss how you can acquire Pandit for Vishnu Puran.

The purans written by sages are Mahabharat written by Vedavyasa, and Ramayan written by Valmiki. Purans are a combination of history and tradition, it means ancient. Vishnu Puran is very important and one of the ancient Purans among 18 Hinduism Purans. In Vishnu Puran, the complete journey and the character of lord Vishnu are described.

Pandit for Vishnu Puran

Performing the Vishnu Puran path as per authentic vidhi can benefit the devotees. Pandit for Vishnu Puran can help devotees perform Vishnu Puran as per authentic vidhi. Devotees can book pandit for pujas such as marriage puja, engagement puja, and bhumi puja on 99Pandit.     

Krishna’s character of Lord Vishnu is also found in the Vishnu Puran and Lord Rama’s character is mentioned in this Puran. Origin of God & Goddess, description of sun, sea, sky, mountains, and the results are given in Vishnu Puran. This sacred Puran keeps a special place between 18 Purans. The Vishnu Purana is written by Sage Parashar Rishi. 

Even if this is the case and this Purana is Vishnu-focused, there is no condescending attitude towards Lord Shiva in this Purana. Shiva is only mentioned in the context of the Banasur war in the whole of Vishnu Purana. Pandit for Vishnu Puran booked on 99Pandit can help the devotees perform the Vishnu Puran Path as per authentic vidhi.

Introduction To Vishnu Puran

All other Puranas are smaller than the Vishnu Puran. There are six sections in the Vishnu Purana. Many sources refer to 23,000 poems, but they have only discovered 7,000 verses as of right now. 

The father of Vedavyasa and a wise man, Parashara, wrote the Vishnu Purana. The Vishnu Purana contains a narrative of Lord Vishnu’s incarnations as well as a description of his followers.

The first chapter of Vishnu Mahapuran defines the beginning of the universe, the concept of time, and intriguing tales like Dhruva, Prithu, and Prahlad. The nature of the universe, the nine divisions of the earth, planets, constellations, and astrology are all covered in the second chapter.




The third chapter discusses the Manvantara, the growth of the Vedic branches, the householder religion, and the Shradh Technique. A detailed account of the language and ancestries of the monarchs of the Surya and Chandra dynasties is provided in the fourth chapter. 

Chapter 5 contains a summary of Lord Shri Krishna’s personality. Additionally, the sixth chapter refers to both disaster and salvation. By demonstrating his inseparability from Shiva, Lord Shri Krishna exclaims with his mouth.

Vishnu Puran Path Mantra

यदभयं दत्तं तद्दत्तमखिलं मया मत्तोऽविभिन्नमात्मानं द्रष्टुमर्हसि शङ्कर ॥४७॥
योऽहं स त्वं जगच्चेदं सदेवासुरमानुषम्। मत्तो नान्यदशेषं यत्तत्त्वं ज्ञातुमिहार्हसि ॥४८
अविद्यामोहितात्मानः पुरुषा भिन्नदर्शिनः । वदन्ति भेदं पश्यन्ति चावयोरन्तरे हर ॥ ४९ ॥

Story Of Vishnu Puran

In Vishnu Puran, the story mentioned is about Lord Vishnu’s journey and characters. Vishnu Puran is a complete ancient scripture. This holy scripture describes the universe’s origin and societal structures like varna and ashram systems as well.

Also highlighted is the omnipresence of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. It also recounts the lives and times of God’s greatest worshippers, including Dhruva, Prahlada, and Venu, among others.

The Vishnu Purana also cites significant historical figures including Vaivasvata Manu, Ikshvaku, Kashyapa, Purvansh, Kuruvansh, and Yaduvansh as well as the agriculture and cow protection practices that were in place at the period. It also covers fourteen genres.

Who Wrote The Vishnu Puran?

This Purana was written by Parashara Rishi. Vedavyasa’s father, Parashara, is the grandson of the sage Maharishi Vasistha. Prithu, Dhruva, and Prahlad are the subjects of some very fascinating stories in this Purana. 

The statement description of “Prithu” has urged to work on agriculture by levelling the earth. The agricultural system has strengthened with a focus. People assert that linking homes, communities, towns, etc., offers security to families.

Pandit for Vishnu Puran

The name “Prithvi” was given for this reason. Considering earthly joys, grandeur, prosperity, etc. to be transient or perishable, the story of “Dhruv” has inspired spiritual advancement. There is a discussion of generosity and maintaining values and ethics even in Prahlad’s instance.

Vidhi Of Vishnu Puran

It is important to perform the Vishnu Puran path as per Authentic vidhi. Performing the Vishnu Puran Path as per authentic vidhi can benefit the devotees. All the parts of the Vishnu Puran path are performed serially. 

In Vishnu Puran, this is the very smallest puran among other Puran and Samhitas. It contains six parts in Vishnu Puran and describes Lord Vishnu’s character. Pandit for Vishnu Puran can help devotees perform Vishnu Puran Path as per authentic vidhi. Parts of Vishnu Puran & its other various sections are discussed.

1. Vishnu Puran’s First Part

According to custom, Shakti Nandan Parashar told Maitreya six sections from the first chapter of the Vishnu Purana. The first of the six parts tells the tale of how this Purana came to be and how it evolved.




The Adi (the origin), the reason, the rise of the gods, the Samudra Manthan narrative, the genealogy of Daksha, the life and times of Dhruva and Prithu, the story of Prahalad, and the depiction of Brahma (God) are all contained in these.

2. Vishnu Puran’s Second Part

The second section of the Vishnu Purana describes the descendants of Priyavrata, various islands, and eras, the underworld and hell, the seven realms, as well as the Bharata character, Mukti Marg guidance, and interaction between Nidagh and Ribhu.

3. Vishnu Puran’s Third Part

The depiction of Manvantaras, Ved Vyasa’s manifestation, deliverance from hell, the representation of various religions in the debates between Sagar and Aurb, concerning Shraddha Kalpa and Varnashrama, the ethos of morality, and the tale of Maha Moha are all found in the third section of the Vishnu Purana.

4. Vishnu Puran’s Fourth Part

The fourth part of Vishnu Puran explains Suryavanshi and Chandravanshi and other kingdoms.

5. Vishnu Puran’s Fifth Part

Lord Krishna’s details are mentioned in the fifth part of Vishnu Puran’s incarnate Lord Vishnu. The life story of Lord Krishna, whether it is the story of Gokul, demons killed, killing demon Kansa in Mathura Puri and all. This section also provides details about ashtavakra.

6. Vishnu Puran’s Sixth Part

The sixth section of Vishnu Puran specifies the description of Kaliyug, maha pralaya, and by keshidhwa to khadikya’s sermon of divine knowledge.

7. Vishnu Puran’s End Part

The latter sections of the Vishnu Purana begin like the earlier sections do. When Shaunak and others inquire about the philosophical issues in this passage, Sutji recounts the many Sanatan Vishnudharma religious stories. Overall, all the canonical precepts are present in the Vishnu Purana.

Duties Mentioned In Vishnu Puran

The Vishnu Purana regards Women, Shudras, and Rishis as superior. The woman saves her husband with all of her body and mind without performing any other effort. Similar to how the Shudras carry out their duties, receiving everything the Brahmins receive through different rites, austerities, etc. With that said-

शूद्रोश्च द्विजशुश्रुषातत्परैद्विजसत्तमा: ।
तथा द्भिस्त्रीभिरनायासात्पतिशुश्रुयैव हि॥

Important Facts Of Vishnu Puran

Scholars claim that the Vishnu Purana compiles all the sacred writings. Therefore, people regard Vishnu Purana as superior to all other books. It informs us about a wide range of facets of life. We can live a happy and moral life by putting the Vishnu Purana into practice.

Important facts about the Vishnu Purana:

  • Never inquire about a visitor’s schooling when they are a guest at our home. They could feel awkward sharing the same information when asked about their education.
  • It is improper to inquire about the guest’s income. They might feel uneasy.
  • Never marry a lady who meets the wrong men because she can also turn out to be wrong as a result of her association with those men.
  • Many female speakers self-identify as assertive and use formal language. They are wrong to do this, though, as women should be straightforward. As for women being harsh, it should be in their intent rather than their language.
  • Saraswati dwells in the words of women, hence they should always be lovely in their speech. A woman spreads unrest in the home by speaking venomously.
  • It is improper to wed a female from the same gotra. If people do this, they are more likely to develop genetic illnesses.
  • Avoid staying in bed until the morning. Being lazy is demonstrated by late sleep. Lazy people can’t fulfil their obligations properly.
  • The Vishnu Purana states that someone who is selfless and has an altruistic mindset can attain prosperity in the Kali-Yuga.
  • The Vishnu Purana mentions certain goods that should never be sold, even if you are living in extreme poverty.
  • It is against the law to demand payment for necessities like fruits and vegetables from the underprivileged and destitute.
  • Donating salt instead of charging for it is a good deed; charging for salt while selling it to the impoverished is illegal.
  • It is illegal to sell drugs to a vulnerable or in-need person to make money. Extraction of its cost is not illegal, nevertheless.

Cost of Verified Pandit for Vishnu Puran 

It is important to perform the Vishnu Puran path as per authentic vidhi. Pandit for Vishnu Puran Path can help devotees perform Vishnu Puran Path as per authentic vidhi. It is important to find the right pandit for pujas and path such as Vishnu Puran Path. 

Devotees can find verified pandit for the Vishnu Puran path on 99Pandit. The cost of verified Pandit for Vishnu Puran is not much. Devotees can select a puja package as per their requirements. The cost of the puja package depends on factors such as the number of pandits and the duration of the puja.

Pandit for Vishnu Puran

Devotees can select the puja package as per their requirements. The cost of verified pandit for Vishnu Puran varies between INR 2100 and INR 5100. With the help of 99Panidt, verified pandit for Vishnu Puran is within the budget of devotees. Devotees enjoy booking pandit for pujas on 99Pandit.


Vishnu Puran Path is one of the most important paths in the Hindu religion. It is important to perform this path as per authentic vidhi. Performing the Vishnu Puran Path as per authentic vidhi can benefit the devotees.

Pandit for Vishnu Puran can help devotees perform Vishnu Puran Path as per authentic vidhi. Devotees perform Vishnu Puran Path to seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu. They perform this path for peace, prosperity, and the welfare of members of the family.

Performing the Vishnu Puran Path can help the devotees in creating a positive environment and get the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Pandit for Vishnu Puran can help devotees perform Vishnu Puran Path as per authentic vidhi. Visit the website or app of 99Pandit to book Pandit for the Vishnu Puran Path.

Incarnation Of Lord Vishnu: Lord Krishna’s Character

The primary character description in the Vishnu Purana is of Shri Krishna, Lord Vishnu’s avatar. Ram briefly mentions his tale. This Purana describes Krishna as a magnificent human being who is a social worker, public lover, folk dyer, and interested in the public.

Lord Shri Krishna urged his subjects to exact revenge on the oppressor by elaborating on the virtues of the ability to maintain togetherness. He waved the Dharma-Shakti banner in opposition to injustice. In “Mahabharata,” the Kauravas’ annihilation demonstrates their charitable nature.




Giving incidents from Lord Krishna’s life that are incredibly helpful is a manifestation of devotion. A further indication is your dedication to that outstanding person. Krishna comprehended the most important tenets of Vedanta and Bhakti in the Vishnu Purana. People believe that one resides in the soul beneath both birth and death.

Final Summary

Hinduism’s sacred texts give the Vishnu Purana a very significant place. It provides information on Lord Vishnu, a god who, along with his two incarnations Rama and Krishna, serves as the focal point of the Bhakti cult.

Vaishnavism, which centres on the Vishnu Purana, represents one of the two main pillars of Hinduism, the other being Shaivism. Contact 99Pandit to Book Pandit for Vishnu Puran.

Frequently Asked Question

Q.What is described in Vishnu Puran?

A.Vishnu Puran is very important and one of the ancient Puran among 18 Hinduism Purans. Vishnu Puran describes the complete journey and the character of Lord Vishnu.

Q.Is Lord Krishna the incarnation of Lord Vishnu?

A.The primary character description in the Vishnu Purana is of Shri Krishna, Lord Vishnu’s avatar. In this Purana, Krishna is described as a magnificent human being who is a social worker, public lover, folk dyer, and interested in the public.

Q.What is explained in the second part of Vishnu Puran?

A.The second section of the Vishnu Purana describes the descendants of Priyavrata, various islands, and eras, the underworld and hell, the seven realms, as well as the Bharata character, Mukti Marg guidance, and interaction between Nidagh and Ribhu.

Q.Who wrote Vishnu Puran?

A.This Purana was written by Parashara Rishi. Vedavyasa’s father, Parashara, is the grandson of the sage Maharishi Vasistha.

Q.What is the story of Vishnu Maha Puran?

A.Vishnu Puran highlighted the omnipresence of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. It also recounts the lives and times of God’s greatest worshippers, including Dhruva, Prahlada, and Venu, among others.



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