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Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain: Cost, Vidhi and Benefits

99Pandit Ji
Last Updated:July 19, 2024

Pandit for Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain performs the shradh puja to show gratitude towards our departed souls. Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain is the way to give respect and gratitude to ancestors who leave the world.

Prita Paksha, which honours deceased ancestors, is observed once a year during the autumnal Bhadrapada/Ashwin months. From Purnima (the full moon) to Amavas (the new moon), it lasts 15 days.

We also refer to it by the names Shradh, Sharadh Pakhwada, and Sharadh Parv. Through this rite, we can thank our dead ancestors for their benefits and return the favour.

Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

If one’s Pitras are unhappy, several issues may arise in their lives. Pitra Dosh is a debt owed to the ancestors rather than a curse from them. The individual with Pitra Dosh in his horoscope is expected to settle the debt owed by the ancestor. Therefore, if a person has a Pitra Dosh in their horoscope, it does not necessarily signify that their ancestors are cursing them.

Therefore, having a Pitra Dosh in a horoscope does not indicate that the ancestors cursed the person. According to Vedic Astrology, Pitra dosh is unquestionably one of the most dreaded doshas in a horoscope and can cause the native to experience a variety of issues and bad luck in all areas of his life.

Hence pandit for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain would be the best option to get any kind of Pitra dosha from your kundali and to give peace to the deceased soul. Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain can be done at a very reliable cost if you book a pandit for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain from 99Pandit.

What Is Pitra Dosh In Ujjain?

In our Hindu Culture, Pitra dosh means when our family members pass away due to any disease, accident, or some circumstances. After death, they are referred to Pitra and if their wishes remain incomplete, they may cause issues for family members. 

Our ancestors are Pitra or those who have passed away. If Sun and Rahu unite in the second house, fifth house, ninth house, or tenth house, a person experiences Pitra Dosh via their horoscope since some of their wishes have not been achieved. Pitrudosh is its name as a result.




Even if certain horrible things were committed in a former life, Pitrudosh is still felt. Pitridosh Nivaran Pujan is required to cure this flaw. Our forefathers’ blessings and the completion of our evil deeds begin when we worship Pitra Dosh.

Why Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain Is Important?

As mentioned in Puranas there are four trees to which we worship for Pitra dosh but one of the trees is situated in Ujjain on the bank of the Shipra River east of Bhairavgarh. This tree is referred to as the Siddhavat tree which is worshipped by the people to get relief from Pitra dosh.

After worshipping the Siddhavat tree, devotees visit the Siddhavat temple which is in Avantika city of Ujjain. According to skanda puran Siddhavat is called pret shila tirtha. 

Significance Of Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

The 9th house of the horoscope is regarded in astrology as the location of the ancestors. In the Navagraha, the Sun is unmistakably seen as a representation of the ancestors. Pitradosh is the phrase for when the Sun is placed with terrible planets in a person’s horoscope or if there is a bad planet defect. 

In addition, the ninth house of the horoscope—or whoever owns it—is sometimes referred to as Pitridosh if the bad planets of the horoscope are to blame. Everybody’s horoscope is uniquely affected by Pitra dosh. Which individuals have Pitridosh in their horoscope?

  • Families that do not worship their ancestors receive Pitra Dosh, according to the Garuda Purana.
  • Ancestors are said to have lived in a two-peepal tree. Cutting a peepal tree in such a circumstance or spreading impurities underneath it is also pituitary.
  • After the passing of the father or mother, if the person disrespects the other living family members, even the ancestors are affected.

Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain Puja Vidhi

A lump of flour is prepared and worshipped at Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain following the prescribed procedures. Then, the Mandal worship is finished. The ancestors also receive a Havan. By doing this, blessings from the ancestors are obtained. Worship, Archana, and tarpan are carried out in this manner.

Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

The name of the calm person is taken to deliver water through the thumb. As a result, we have four different sorts of pilgrimages at our disposal.

Deva Teertha: The fingers are used to make offerings. 

Material is given with both hands, says Rishi Tirtha. 

Pitra Tirtha: The thumb provides material. 

Brahma Tirtha: We partake of alcohol. 

The process is accomplished in this manner, following all rules and regulations.

The process of presenting incense to our forefathers is then finished. The ancestors are allowed to find salvation thanks to this incense. Additionally, we receive our ancestors’ blessings. And we begin to feel relief from whatever awful work it is. 

Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain has gained special significance throughout the world as a result. While performing adoration, one must pay close attention to the full meditation technique. At Baba Siddhnath’s feet, I offer a prayer that you find happiness as a result of this adoration. 

How does Pitra Dosh Affect?

The work of the individual in whose horoscope Pitrudosh is made comes to an end. Life is a constant source of strain. Physical health issues could arise. This Pitra Dosh aids in having a child or conceiving.

There is a chance that family members will pass away too soon. There may be issues with the land. able to borrow A person has to deal with numerous issues in life in this way.

People who have Pitra Dosh make fun of the Older and disrespect other people’s feelings. Money is in short supply. The family environment is one of tension and fighting. It is necessary to deal with issues like Delayed Marriage, difficulty having children, and financial hardship.




Our family has a direct relationship with Pitru. Our close relatives who pass away too soon or who, for whatever reason, do not experience redemption or rebirth, become fathers. Because of our connection, they continue to feel our emotions even after we are gone. They have a lot of strength.

If they are happy with us, they give us money and wealth while maintaining their happiness, but if we forget about them, do not give them food, etc., they frequently become upset and start trouble.

This presents challenges for those fortunate enough to work at home. Marriages do not always take place on time. The argumentation continues. Wealth does not bring rain. In this case, Pitrodh’s preventative measures should be taken.

When We Can Perform Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

Here, Lord Siddhnath has a magnificent shrine dedicated to him. Only one calendar year is dedicated to worship at the Siddhavat tree because of its position can arrive at your convenience. After arriving between seven in the morning and noon, you can begin worship. Typically, this worship lasts for two hours. 

Dates For Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain In 2024

Month Pitra Dosh Puja 2024 Dates
Jan 2024 3Jan , 6Jan , 7Jan , 10Jan , 13Jan , 16Jan , 22Jan , 24Jan , 26Jan, 30Jan
Feb 2024 3Feb, 6 Feb, 9 Feb, 12Feb, 16Feb, 18Feb, 21Feb, 22Feb, 26Feb
Mar 2024 1Mar, 3Mar, 6Mar, 9Mar, 13Mar, 17Mar, 20Mar, 23Mar, 26Mar, 30Mar
Apr 2024 2Apr, 5Apr, 8Apr, 12Apr, 16Apr, 18Apr, 22Apr, 26Apr, 29Apr
May 2024 2 May, 6May, 9May, 11May, 14May, 16May, 19May, 22May, 25May, 29May
Jun 2024 1Jun, 2Jun, 5Jun, 7Jun,  10Jun, 12Jun, 16Jun, 19Jun, 23Jun, 26Jun, 30Jun
Jul 2024 3Jul , 4Jul, 7Jul, 9Jul, 13Jul, 16Jul, 19Jul, 21Jul, 23Jul, 25Jul, 27Jul, 29Jul, 30Jul
Aug 2024 1Aug, 3Aug, 5Aug, 6Aug, 8 Aug, 10Aug, 12Aug, 14Aug, 16Aug, 19Aug, 22Aug, 26Aug, 29Aug, 31Aug
Sep 2024 1Sep, 5Sep, 8Sep, 11Sep, 14Sep, 18Sep, 26Sep, 28Sep, 30Sep
Oct 2024 3Oct, 6Oct, 7Oct, 10Oct, 13Oct, 14Oct, 25Oct, 26Oct
Nov 2024 3Nov, 6Nov, 9Nov, 11Nov, 19Nov, 21Nov, 22Nov, 24Nov, 27Nov, 30Nov
Dec 2024 4Dec, 7Dec, 11Dec, 14Dec, 18Dec, 19Dec, 21Dec, 24Dec, 27Dec, 31Dec

Benefits Of Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

When Pandit for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain performs the dosh puja for the devotee, they get several benefits of this puja. We have described the benefits of Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain below:

  • Your effort on your health is completed by offering this puja or anu Narayan.
  • All of the projects you blocked are finished as a result of this puja.
  • Mental and physical concerns disappear.
  • All challenges in the workplace, career, and personal life are overcome.
  • Removes Dosh involving a Delayed Pregnancy
  • Removes Dosh associated with a delayed marriage
  • Mental tranquillity and family harmony
  • A healthy marriage between the two partners
  • Having a good attitude and recovering from illness

Pandit For Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

The group of religious experts called 99Pandit provides experienced and reliable pandits for Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain. There are many ways to get rid of Pitra dosh present in a devotee’s horoscope but this can be only possible through an expert pandit.

Just clicking on the button “Book a Pandit” you will be able to get a Pandit for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain to fulfil the ritual as per your requirement. The best method to remove the Pitra dosh from your kundali is to chant the Vedic mantras through an expert. Chanting the Vedic mantras can pacify the peace of Pitra Dosh.

Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

Once you submit your requirements over the website, book a pandit for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain. 99Pandit will connect the devotees with respective pandits directly. You can discuss your requirements with Pandit Ji over call, email, and WhatsApp. 

The cost of the service can be paid only after the puja is done as 99Pandit does not ask to pay the advance amount for the puja. The cost of Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain varies between INR 5,500/ to INR 10,000/ according to the needs and Dakshina to the Pandit or the Priest.

Hence 99Pandit provides professional, verified, and Vedic-certified pandits for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain. You do not need to go anywhere to find a pandit and compromise with the prices. 

Remedies To Do For Pitra Dosh Puja In Ujjain

  • If someone has Pitra dosha, they should perform Shradh on any Amavasya, Purnima, or Pitru Paksha to remove it. The ancestors are pleased and bestow prosperity and happiness on the individual as a result of this.
  • In addition, the ladies of the home only cook in the kitchen after taking a daily bath. Cows should receive the first loaf of bread and be fed jaggery on it. Additionally, the drinking water location in the home should always be kept clean. It is regarded as the location of the ancestors. Additionally, Pitra Dosh Nivaran in Ujjain aids in lessening its effects.


Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain is scheduled to free us from all harmful effects and dosha coming to our family because of past sins, not organizing ancestral rituals appropriately, and showing your gratitude to them.

Ujjain the tirtha sthal for those who want to perform Pitra dosh puja. Performing this ritual enables one to get rid of all Pitra dosh and helps to achieve a happy, prosperous, and healthy life without any obstacles.

99Pandit is here to help you organize a pandit to perform Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain. The platform offers accessible booking services at an affordable price. Hence, book your pandit today with us!

Frequently Asked Question

Q.Where can we find the pandit for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain?

A.99Pandit provides professional, verified, and Vedic-certified pandit for Pitra Dosh puja in Ujjain. Just clicking on the button “book a pandit” you will be able to get a pandit for Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain to fulfil the ritual as per your requirement.

Q.What is the right time to perform Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain?

A.Only one calendar year is dedicated to worship at the Siddhavat tree because of its position can arrive at your convenience. After arriving between seven in the morning and noon, you can begin worship. Typically, this worship lasts for two hours.

Q.What is Pitra Dosh exactly?

A.If the Sun and Rahu unite in the second house, fifth house, ninth house, or tenth house, a person experiences Pitra Dosh via their horoscope since some of their wishes have not been achieved.

Q.What are the effects of Pitra dosh in one’s horoscope?

A.The effects of Pitra dosh cause physical health issues. This aids in conceiving child difficulties. There is a chance that family members will pass away too soon. There may be issues with the land.

Q.How does Pandit for Pitra dosh puja in Ujjain perform the vidhi?

A.A lump of flour is prepared and worshipped at Pitra Dosh Puja in Ujjain following the prescribed procedures. Then, the Mandal worship is finished. The ancestors also receive a Havan. By doing this, blessings from the ancestors are obtained.



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