Nirjala Ekadashi 2025: Time, Vidhi & Benefits
Nirjala Ekadashi 2025 is considered one of the auspicious occasions to appease Lord Vishnu. It holds special significance not only…
Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is performed for couples when they enter their 81st year and the 80th year is completed. This ritual Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is organized for them by their in-laws, relatives, children, and families. In Hindu traditions, this Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is considered the most significant pooja.
But how Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is performed by the Hindu Pandit? Why is this Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) being performed by the Hindus? Is there any online service available for the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja)? Why did they call this 80th birthday pooja Sathabhishekam?
Family and friends celebrate Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) when the man enters his 81st year. Performing the Kalasa abhishekam and Ayul Shanthi homam together, we celebrate this ritual to receive the blessings of the lord, followed by exchanging garlands for the couple.
This Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) also referred to as Ayul Shanthi homam enhances the couple’s life longevity and blesses them with good health and strength. Experts believe that the man has completed his 1000 full moons and has begun enhancing spirituality in his life.
You can celebrate the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) at home, in the function hall, or in the temple where relatives and friends gather to celebrate this occasion and witness the ceremony.
The Sathabhishekam 80th Birthday Pooja consists of 9 Homam followed by Ganapathi, Lakshmi, Amurtha, Mrityunjeyar, Ayush, Danvantari, and Kalasabhishekam a family deity pooja. Couples perform this process, exchanging their garlands, and sometimes, in some communities, they optionally tie thali.
After completing the entire ceremony, the couples assume the roles of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi to bless the attendees and relatives who took part in the function.
You can perform the pooja Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) based on a couple of janma nakshatra and birth charts. You can perform the pooja on the nakshatra birthday of the Tamil birth month when the man completes his 80th and enters his 81st year.
The most significant Hindu ritual celebrated in the southern state is Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja), the assignment of pooja done for couples to celebrate the completion of the 80th year.
Their children, family, or in-laws generally order this ritual. In Hindu culture, people consider the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) the most significant pooja.
For the couple’s good health and happy life, Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is a Shanti Karya celebration event where the husband completed his 80 years of life and witnessed the 1000 full moons in his life.
Mostly, the family and children of the couple perform the ritual of Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) after the couple’s 80th birthday, around 7 or 8 months after they become able for it.
This particular ritual Sathabhishekam (80th birthday pooja) is a mandatory ritual to solidify the families’ biggest fortunes. Many believe that receiving the blessings of someone who has reached the age of 80 is beneficial for karma.
A man should live for a full 120 years. In this arduous journey through life, many recognize fortunate stages and practice Shantikarya. During the 60-year cycle, people observe Shashthiyabdapoorti. We celebrate milestones at seventy, seventy-five, eighty, ninety, and one hundred years.
Ugraratha Shanti, Bhimaratha Shanti, Vijayaratha Shanti, Sahasrachandra Darshan Shanti, and Shatamanotsav are the names of these festivals. By commemorating these important occasions, God graces them and their family. Many believe that the performer’s desires for happiness and good health come true.
The person or couple starts the procedure to perform Sathabhishekam’s 80th Birthday Pooja when they enter their 81st year and successfully complete their 80th year. The family members of this couple and man celebrate this event by combining and performing Ayul Shanthi homam with Kalash Sthapana.
The couple exchanges garlands to gain the blessings and prosperity of God. Performing Ayushya Shanthi homam helps to improve the longevity of life for the couple to give them better health and wealth.
To start the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja), the vidhi of pooja consists of worshipping the Griha Devtas of Ganpati, Lakshmi Narayan, Shiv, and Parvati. Devotees also worship Ishta Devatas (Favorite Gods) such as Sri Raghavendra Swamy, Shirdi Sai Baba, Dattatreya Swamy, and many others.
It is important to undertake rites such as Sankalpam, Punyaha vachanam, Kalasha Sthapanam, Ganapati Puja, Devatarchana, Homa, and others to ask the gods for their continuous goodwill and blessings.
You can also perform additional Pujas that astrologers advise, such as Ayush Homa, Mrityunjaya Homa, Dhanvatari Homa, Nakshatra Homam, and Pavamana Homa. On this auspicious occasion of Sahasrachandra Darshanam, some even opt to perform nine distinct Homams.
According to custom, people perform Kalashabhishekam, Mangala Snananm, Mangalyadhaaranam, and many more significant and fascinating Shastras.
To come together for the family and friends Sahasra Chandra Darshanam and Sathabhishekam could be a great occasion to celebrate the milestone of eighty years. You can perform the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) ritual at home, a temple, a convention home, or a teertha kshetra.
The cost of the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) depends on the requirements of the natives. If the pandit requires them to arrange all items for pooja, it may cost from 15000/- to 25000/-.
But if the performer required basics such as only pandit to perform the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja). The pandit brings the pooja items along with him.
The minimum cost required for the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is up to Rs. 5000/- to 10000/-. The pandit required for this pooja is min one to a maximum of 5.
99Pandit provides the best solution and experienced pandit for Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja). Book a Pandit online for Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) at your desired location. We made the bookings and service hassle-free.
You can contact our astrologers and pandits for all your Hindu services for pujas and Homam and to plan the event as well. Our experienced pandits will help you with your requirements without any hassle. 99Pandit is available near your location and provides Vedic experts in your native language.
The Sathabhishekam ritual is performed once the couple completes their 80th year and enters their 81st year. This 80th birthday puja celebrates their journey. As you know the importance of the Sathabhishekam ceremony, you can conduct the puja as well at your home.
Conducting such puja represents the spiritual journey that augments your soul, offering homage to life well-lived and growing blessings for future initiatives.
This puja is conducted by the couple’s children or in-laws as it is known to be the most efficient puja in Hindu rituals. If you want to organise the puja, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team at 99Pandit is always available to assist you.
Q. What is Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja)?
A.Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is performed for couples when they enter their 81st year and the 80th year is completed. This ritual Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is organized for them by their in-laws, relatives, children, and families.
Q. What is Sathabhishekam?
A.The name is Sathabhishekam refers to the Mangala Snanam (taking a bath with holy water) performed for grandparents or couples. This is celebrated when the grand couple crosses the age of 80.
Q. What is the Significance of Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja)?
A. The significance of performing this Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) is to thank God for providing a satisfactory and happy life for the couples to perform such kind of pooja. When the man has seen 1000 full moons in his life.
Q. What are the destinations for performing Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja)?
A. The Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) ritual can be performed at home, a temple, a convention home, or teertha kshetra as well.
Q. What are the benefits of Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja)?
A. When the person or couple performs the Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja) they get many benefits for their happy and long life.
Q. What are the preparations required to perform Sathabhishekam (80th Birthday Pooja)?
A. There are the things you need to prepare before going to perform Sathabhishekam (80th birthday pooja):