Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap Puja Samagri: महामृत्युंजय जाप पूजन सामग्री
महामृत्युंजय जाप पूजन सामग्री: भारतीय संस्कृति में पूजा और जाप प्राचीनकाल से ही एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रथा रही है। जाप एक…
Shastipoorthi Pooja: Is the term “Shastipoorthi pooja” familiar to you, have you ever heard about Shastipoorthi pooja? What does the Shastipoorthi pooja cost, vidhi, and benefits?
If you have completed your marriage of 60 years then this Shastipoorthi pooja will apply to you. The purpose of Shastipoorthi pooja is to get the blessings of the Lord on your family and relation and for 60 years you may live together.
You can easily book a pandit online for the Shastipoorthi pooja at your home. 99Pandit is the pandit provider that gives the service all over India online or offline.
Shastipoorthi pooja is a Hindu ceremony that is performed when a couple completes their 60 years of marriage successfully. Shastipoorthi pooja also known as Shasthi Abda Poorthi where the meaning of Shasti means = 60, adba means = years, and poorthi means = completion.
This is the Sanskrit meaning of Shastipoorthi pooja which is why this puja is celebrated after the successful completion of 60 years of marriage. The fact of this puja is that the puja is performed on the 61st birthday of that person.
The west side people mostly celebrated their silver wedding anniversary which is similar to Shastipoorthi pooja. With the rituals and traditions of Hindu culture when a male or a couple complete their sixty years, Shastipoorthi pooja is celebrated. When the male reaches the same age as when he was born this puja is effective for him.
In a different scenario, the ritual Ugra Ratha Shanthi is performed to remove the Apamruthyu. Like every puja procedure, Kalash Sthapana and havan are also a part of the Shastipoorthi pooja.
The term Shastipoorthi pooja represents the 60 years of the anniversary of a marriage or the birthday of a person. Shastipoorthi pooja is a tradition that is performed on the occasion of when the husband has completed 60 years of age and the 61st year has just started. Simply the couple’s family, relatives, and children can organize this puja for them.
In the west and north side of India, people celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary as the silver wedding anniversary. Shastipoorthi pooja is a kind of silver wedding anniversary ceremony that is celebrated to mark the 60th birthday of a person. At this age, it’s of great importance as the person has fulfilled his commitment towards his responsibilities, family, and home.
After this age, the person and couple can turn their mind toward spiritual progress. People celebrate this ceremony after the 60th year and the start of the 61st year.
In Shastipoorthi pooja pandits can perform different types of homam. Like Navagraha homa, Mrityunjaya homam & ayusha homa to get the blessings from the lord on the couple for their happy and healthy life ahead.
The word Shastipoorthi pooja comes from the Sanskrit word Shashti means sixty and poorthi means completion. In Hinduism, people celebrate reaching half of their lifespan, which is considered to be 60 years, through a ritual known as Shastipoorthi Pooja. Prabhva and Vibhva etc. name the person when he completes 60 years as per the Hindu calendar.
The 61st year of one’s life is the most significant milestone and the most memorable turning point. The names repeat themselves after the completion of 60 years in a sequence.
Performing the Shastipoorthi Pooja, a traditional puja rite marks the completion of 60 years of age. People also know it as Ugraratha Santi Puja or Shashti Abda Poorti Puja. The age of sixty is significant in Hinduism because many people view it as the turning point at which a man has finished his obligations to his family and children. So they need to perform this Shastipoorthi pooja.
Now that he’s retired, he can devote more time to spirituality, nurturing his soul, practising meditation, and connecting with God. On their 60th birthday, siblings might undertake the Shastipoorthi pooja ceremony for their parents to ensure their long life and good health.
The Shastipoorthi Pooja and Homa rites include Gowri, Ganpati, Kalash, and Navgraha Sthapana along with prayers. Recitation of several Vedic mantras, such as Varuna Sooktha, Purusha Sooktha, Nakshatra Sookhta, and Dik Palaka Mantras done and concluded with the performance of Dosha Shanti.
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra: Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-vardhanam Urvarukamiva bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat
महा मृत्युंजय मंत्र: ओम त्र्यंबकम यजामहे सुगंधिम पुष्टि-वर्धनम उर्वरुकामिवा बंधनन मृत्यु या मुक्षिया ममृतत
Dhanvantari Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaaya Dhanvantaraye Amrita-Kalash Hastaaya Sarva-amaya Vinashaaya Trailokya Naathaya Dhanvantri Maha-vishnave Namaha.
धन्वंतरि मंत्र: Om नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय धन्वंतराय अमृता-कलश हस्ताय सर्व-अमय विनाशय त्रैलोक्य नाथाय धन्वंतरि महा-विष्णवे नमः
Navagraha Mantra: Om Brahma Murari-Tripurantakari Bhaanuh Shashii Bhuumisuto Budhash-Cha, Gurush-Cha Shukrah Shani-Raahu-Ketavah Sarve Graha Shantakara Bhavantu.
नवग्रह मंत्र: ओम ब्रह्मा मुरारी-त्रिपुरांतकारि भानुह शशि भूमीसुतो बुधाश-चा, गुरुश-चा शुक्रा शनि-राहु-केतव सर्वे ग्रह शांताकार भवन्तु
There are some key insights and key facts about celebrating Shastipoorthi pooja at your home by experts and professionals.
The only purpose of celebrating Shastipoorthi pooja is to bring blessings from God to the person and couple who are seeking a healthy and happy life. In Hinduism, people consider the sixtieth birthday to be significant because they perceive it as the pivotal point. When the man completes all his duties towards his partner, family, society, and children that time can be his pivotal point.
At this age, he comes close to his retirement from all duties and can move towards a spiritual mind with his soul, meditation, and his god. Families and relatives can arrange this Shastipoorthi pooja for them on their 60th anniversary for long life and health.
The Shaunakokthi is Janmatah Shastime. Perform the Shastipoorthi pooja in the sixtieth year, as supported by the following quote.
Janmamaasecha, Janmaabde Janmarshe chaiva kartavyaa shanti rugrarathaahvayaa Swajanmadivase tathaa The phrase “Devaalaye nadeeteere swagruhe vaa shubhasthale”
According to the Indian Zodiac, one should conduct the Shastipoorthi pooja in the same year, month, and on the same day of birth.
The ideal choice is considered. The ideal choice is considered to be this. If it is not possible to execute the Shastipoorthi pooja on the same day. You are granted permission to do so at a time that is convenient for you before and during the end of your sixty-first year. The location chosen for this program’s execution could be a pilgrim town, a temple, a river bank, or even at home.
For the Shastipoorthi pooja, it takes the time of 4 hours to complete appropriately. The man enters his 61st year following the successful completion of 60 years. The family is doing homam, abhishekam, and Mangalya Dharana for the couple to receive the blessings of God to mark this occasion.
The cost of Shastipoorthi pooja is also known as Ayul Shanthi Homam because it increases the health and longevity of the couple. As they approach the end of their parental responsibilities, the Shastipoorthi pooja helps the couple advance spiritually.
After their second marriage, they would perform a variety of homams, including those for Ganapathy, Lakshmi, Amrutha, Mrithyunjeyar, Ayush, Danvantri, and Kalashabhishekam. These homams are optional and entirely up to the couple.
Before starting the Shastipoorthi puja ceremony, a person needs to clean and purify their body by taking a bath and performing Sandhya Vandanam. After completing the purifying rituals, the pandits will request to commence the ceremony known as ‘ANUKJNA’ for the Shastipoorthi puja ceremony.
In all Hindu rituals, people perform Ganpathi pooja.
Sankalp: While performing the Shastipoorthi pooja couple and the person who completed the 60 years pray to God to grant them a healthy and contented life.
Couples also seek God to free them from the sins they committed and the bad effects of forthcoming planetary time. Preethi Dhana and Vaishan Sradham conduct during the Sankalp graha. We conducted this process for Shastipoorthi Pooja.
In the Shastipoorthi pooja ceremony, we perform the ‘abyuthaya sradham’ and ‘Nandee sradham’ to receive blessings from our ancestors. The venue is sanctified by the punyaham which is also symbolic of purifying the body and mind of a person.
Repetition of wedding rituals: in this ritual, Shastipoorthi pooja causes couples to repeat their wedding ceremonies as they do at the time of their marriage. They need to repeat their marriage vows with rituals like the exchange of garlands.
The next ritual is Mangala Dharana and taking mantra snanam with water blessed with udhaka sayana mantras. To remind people of the Vedic way, we recite the Vedas for four days and conduct discourses on the epic Ramayana.
The priest performs the ritual Shastipoorthi puja Mahamrityunjaya Devta Kalash Sthapana, initiating the ceremony by setting up the idol and offering prayers. The Kalash Sthapana varied from place to place in the number of Kalash we used for the ceremony. You can use the Kalash in quantities of 60, 33, or 12.
Perform Shodasa Upachara Pooja by chanting Vedic mantras to invoke the deities after Kalash Sthapana.
After completing the Kalash Sthapana, participants perform an integral part of the ritual by worshipping Gowri, Maa Durga, and Lord Vishnu. The cost of this Shastipoorthi puja is referred to as paratpara puja.
Samvathsara devatas are the gods of sixty Tamil Sanskrit years. Nakshatra Devatas – is the god of all stars, Thithi Devatas- is the god of the phases of the moon, and Dikpalakas is the god of the eight cardinal directions. Deities invoke Mandalam or Kumbhams.
To perform the Shastipoorthi pooja, one must conduct rituals to honour Gowri, and Ganesh, perform Kalash Sthapana, and offer prayers to receive blessings.
Recitation of several Vedic mantras, such as Varuna Sooktha, Purusha Sooktha, Nakshatra Sookhta, and Dik Palaka Mantras done and concluded with the performance of Dosha Shanti.
1. Maha Mritunjaya Mantra Jaap Of 5100 Chants And Homa:- This particular maha mritunjay mantra Jaap is done for mahakal. Lord Shiva is the primal force to control time and hence death when you are going to perform Shastipoorthi pooja.
Mantra – Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-vardhanam Urvarukamiva bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat
2. Navagraha Mantra Jaap Of 5100 Chants And Homa:- the nine planets in our horoscope manage our life’s karma. In this mantra, the fire ritual is to appease the nine planets that define the fruits of one’s karma. Navagraha mantra Jaap can be favourable to the person’s spiritual pursuits which he seeks after turning sixty in Shastipoorthi pooja.
Mantra – Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaaya Dhanvantaraye Amrita-Kalash Hastaaya Sarva-amaya Vinashaaya Trailokya Naathaya Dhanvantri Maha-vishnave Namaha.
3. Dhanvantri Mantra Jaap Of 5100 Chants And Homa:- Dhanvantri is the god of medicine as he is depicted with medical herbs in one hand with nectar in a pot in the other hand. Performing this homam on the Shastipoorthi puja brings positive energy and goodwill. It is beneficial for good health.
Mantra – Om Brahma Muraari-Tripuraantakaarii Bhaanuh Shashii Bhuumisuto Budhash-Cha, Gurush-Cha Shukrah Shani-Raahu-Ketavah Sarve Graha Shantakara Bhavantu.
The Shastipoorthi puja starts from INR 12000 and can increase up to thousands of rupees. The cost of puja with homam depends on the Jaap Sankhya of Ayush, Mrityunjaya, and Dhanvantri. Deciding the Shastipoorthi pooja depends on the bhojan menu and brahman daan which are also factors.
Shastipoorthi puja is the symbol of celebrating the 60th birthday of a person when he completed his 60 years successfully. At 99Pandit we have tied up with many pandits and temples all over India to perform Shastipoorthi pooja.
If the devotee wants to perform the puja near their location our team will assist you in connecting them with Pandit and delivering puja material.
We provide online services as well like E-puja so you can perform the Shastipoorthi pooja at your home. 99Pandit will assign the pandit according to your requirements in your language and native culture. Our pandit will also bring the puja materials required for the Shastipoorthi puja.
Based on native regions, Customs may vary depending on them. You may also book North Indian Pandit In Bangalore with the help of 99pandit.
For the 60th birthday of Shastipoorthi pooja, book Pandit online from 99Pandit. A pandit will bring all the Pooja Samagri (Items). All of the pandits have extensive knowledge and have studied at the Vedic Pathshala.
Also Read: Rudrabhishek For Marriage
Shastipoorti Puja is one of the most important pujas in Hinduism. Devotees perform this puja after completing sixty years of marriage. They perform this puja to thank the deities and seek their blessings for peace, prosperity, and happiness in life.
Celebrating sixty years of marriage holds a special significance. It indicates that the person has fulfilled the responsibilities towards the family and society. Devotees perform Shastipoorthi Puja on this occasion to mark their important milestone in life.
It can be difficult for the devotees to perform rituals of pujas as per the authentic vidhi. Pandit for Shastipoorthi Puja can perform all the rituals as per the authentic vidhi. Devotees worry about finding the right pandit for pujas such as Shatipoorti Puja. Not anymore.
Visit the website or mobile application of 99Pandit to book pandit for pujas such as Shastipoorti Puja. It is easy to book Pandit Ji on 99Pandit. Devotees enjoy booking pandit for pujas, jaaps, and homams on 99Pandit. For more information on Hinduism such as puja muhurat and daily panchang, visit the WhatsApp channel of 99Pandit.
Q. What is Shastipoorthi’s 60th birthday pooja?
A.Shastipoorthi pooja is known as Shasthi Abda Poorthi where the meaning of Shasti means = 60, adba means = years, and poorthi means = completion. The Sanskrit meaning of Shastipoorthi puja is the reason why people celebrate this puja after successfully completing 60 years of marriage. This puja occurs on the 61st birthday of the person.
Q. When can this ceremony be performed?
A. Shastipoorthi pooja is a tradition that is performed on the occasion of when the husband has completed 60 years of age and the 61st year has just started. The rituals performed with homam and some puja processes depend on the birth chart of the performer.
Q. Is the ritual Shastipoorthi pooja possible to celebrate for all communities?
A. No, this tradition or ritual is only followed by the Hinduism communities.
Q. What things refer to this Shastipoorthi puja?
A. In Hinduism, people celebrate completing half of their 120-year lifespan by conducting the Shastipoorthi puja, which incurs a cost. In Hindu tradition, people are named Prabhva and Vibhva, etc., when they reach 60 years according to the calendar.
Q. Is it true? Does this puja have many pujas?
A. Yes, this puja has many pujas conducted by the expert pandit. The Shastipoorthi pooja comprises performing rituals to Gowri and Ganesh, establishing the Kalash, and offering prayers to receive blessings. Recitation of several Vedic mantras, such as Varuna Sooktha, Purusha Sooktha, Nakshatra Sookhta, and Dik Palaka Mantras done and concluded with the performance of Dosha Shanti.
Q. What does the Shastipoorthi pooja cost?
A. The cost of the Shastipoorthi pooja starts from INR 12000 and can increase up to thousands of rupees. The cost of puja with homam depends on the Jaap Sankhya of Ayush, mrityunjaya, and dhanvantri.
Q. Why is the 60th marriage important?
A. As per the Shastipoorthi puja ceremony, the 61st year of one’s life is the most significant milestone and the most memorable turning point. The names repeat themselves after the completion of 60 years in a sequence. Performing the Shastipoorthi Puja, a traditional puja rite marks the completion of 60 years of age.
Q. In which cities do you perform the puja physically?
A. 99Pandit is based in Bangalore, India. We have pandits in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, and some other cities. We provide puja services physically in all the major Indian cities. Along with offline puja service, we provide E-puja services as well for international clients.
Q. Can I do the payment in two parts partially in advance or the rest after the puja completion?
A. Yes, Of course, you can do partial payments for the puja service. You can pay the advance amount at the time of pandit booking and the remaining amount you can pay after the completion of service to pandit Ji directly.
Q. Where can I get the best pandit with the best price for my requirement?
A. 99Pandit is a one-way solution that provides a well-experienced and expert pandit for your requirements in your budget.
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