Verified Uttarakhand Pandit in Bangalore: Cost, Process & Benefits
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Kumbh Vivah is one of the Hindu pujas which is performed for the removal of manglik dosha in the female birth chart. In our Hindu culture, whenever a male or female gets married, many factors are checked by the Hindu Pandit like kundali milan, gun milan, dosha Milan, etc. If any of them have issues with their birth chart, Pandit is advised to perform the Dosha Nivaran puja.
Kumbh vivah is a spiritual ritual that is generally performed for the Manglik Dosha Nivaran. In our country spirituality is at the top of everything and where for every problem a spiritual solution is available. According to Indian spirituality, Kumbh Vivah is one of the most astonishing rituals with a broad concept.
Kumbh Vivah Ceremony is advised to perform for the girl child, who has widow yoga according to graha in the kundali of her. This widow yoga is present in the concerned girl kundali. In the procedure of Kumbh vivah the native girl marries with an earthen pot (referred to as Kumbh) to neglect the dosha of the mangal.
For the people who get affected by manglik dosha in their horoscope, kumbh vivah is an astonishing influence on their lives. But do you know what are other benefits of Kumbh vivah, you should know before going to perform it?
99Pandit is an online Hindu portal that provides many spiritual services as per the devotee’s request. There are many pandits associated with the 99Pandit portal that can perform puja services in many languages like Hindi, English, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, and Rajasthani.
Kumbh vivah is developed from two Sanskrit words where Kumbh means mud pot and vivah means marriage. At the time of kundali milan, the manglik dosha is considered a villain dosha which may affect the native marriage.
Just because of a single fault, matching all the points of Kundali Milan from all directions, one has to need to get rid of such harmful dosha. Only manglik dosha is not the reason for marital separation between the couple.
Other dosha couples can face problems in their marriage like terrible mixtures of widowhood and widower hood is also the reason for boy and girl misfiring badly.
Those who hold this belief believe that a Manglik bride will hasten her husband’s demise. To avert this catastrophe, the bride marries a banana or peepal that resembles a tree, an animal, or a lifeless thing. Depending on the “groom” that is utilized in the process, this marriage custom has several titles.
When a person gets a Manglik or Double Manglik Dosh in his horoscope, it is known as Kumbh Vivah. Mangalik Dosh is a type of horoscope inaccuracy that only affects after the wedding. A dosh called mangal manifests itself after the wedding.
In this ceremony, the first bride is wed to a Lord Vishnu deity housed in an earthen pot.
This marriage is conducted according to custom. It also included the Kanyadan of the bride. The Vishnu idol is submerged in the reservoir following the wedding ceremony. The Kumbh (vivah) Marriage Puja Ceremony is finished at this point. Following this, the concerned bride may choose to wed the groom.
To perform the kumbh vivah the best places are advised where the Mangal Dosha Nivaran Puja can be performed. Among the 12 Jyotirlingas in India, Trimbakeshwar Jyotirling is an old Temple.
This holy location has a special significance because the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh are there. Therefore, getting married to an Aquarius here would be better.
Apart from Trimbakeshwar, ujjain mangalnath temple is popular for Mangal dosha nivaran puja. Mangalnath temple is the birthplace of Lord Mangal. Performing kumbh vivah in Mangalnath temple will give many benefits.
A child’s planetary positions are established at birth. Doshas (problems) can take many different forms in a person’s horoscope. These doshas can manifest as Sade Sati, Mangal Dosh, or Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja, among other forms.
There is a solution to every issue that can fix the flaw or lessen its repercussions. In India, there are numerous spiritual ways to fix a person’s horoscope flaws.
Spirituality is a blessing in Hindu history and culture, and it provides a religious remedy to every issue. Widow Dosha is one of the doshas that a person experiences if they put off getting married. yoga Vaidhavya.
Kumbh vivah is a common idea in the rituals practised in Trimbakeshwar (Maharashtra), and it is useful in lessening the effect that Vaidhyavya Yoga has on a woman’s life.
Mangal Dosh is another dosha that can cause a person to put off getting married. One of the doshas that have an impact on people’s lives is the manglik dosha, which can lead to problems like delayed manglik marriages or unions with non-manglik partners. To lessen the effects of mangal dosha, “Bhatpuja” is performed.
Kumbh Vivah is just another wedding. For instance, a girl must perform this procedure if she has a Manglik Dosh. It resembles a real wedding in every way. The Girl is required to wear a bridal gown, jewellery, and a thread. Parents perform “Phere” and “Kanya Daan” using the Mud Pot. When Pandit says the mantras, everything turns out to be like a real human wedding. After the ceremony, the girl left Manglik Dosh.
Now that she can wed a genuine person, she won’t experience any more issues following the nuptials. Her Mangal Dosh is no longer a threat to her spouse.
Pot is the girl’s first husband, hence it is a non-living entity. This is rendered invalid and meaningless, according to Indian mythology. Her first wedding is that of a Human. Since all of the Girl’s problems or dosh have been taken care of by the pot, the other person will no longer be affected by the mangal.
I have observed numerous individuals who have benefited from this event, which is astounding in and of itself. when a girl’s mangalaya bhava is subjected to significant hardship.
Since humans have been engaging in these practices for a very long period, or perhaps from ancient times, many people may have noticed effects that explain why.
Yes, logical individuals are opposed to its practice, but if we view every nation and its customs through the lens of sanity, we should also disregard our cultures because, in their opinion, they lack any scientific foundation.
Kumbh Vivah, which includes all of the Pot’s rituals and ceremonies, including wedding mantras, Pheras, Kanya Daan, and other practices, is comparable to a traditional wedding for Manglik brides or grooms.
The Manglik girl is then required to remove all of the threads from her clothing and change. Without telling anyone, the Girl then throws the pot into the river. The Girl will be free of Mangal Dosha and able to marry the man of her choice after finishing this spiritual cure.
One must abandon the match despite making a respectable match from all perspectives if it has one defect.
The couple’s divorce does not necessarily have to be due only to Mangal Dosham. There are frequently horrible combinations in the respective horoscopes of a girl and a child, that is widowhood and widower hood which can lead to misfiring badly.
Those who think her husband will pass away young if she marries a Manglik. The bride marries a banana or peepal that resembles a tree, an animal, or a lifeless object to avert this catastrophe. This wedding custom goes by several titles depending on the “groom” that is utilized in the ceremony.
The reason why Kumbh Vivah is being performed is justified since it eliminates the likelihood that a couple will divorce or that the girl or guy will remarry.
First of all, you need to contact an expert astrologer to conduct the Kumbh vivah at your convenience. You can come to our official portal of 99Pandit to book the pujas and fix the date and time for Kumbh Vivah.
During the procedure of Kumbh vivah, the family members of the girl advised being available parents, brother, and maternal uncle necessary for this mangal dosha Nivaran Kumbh Vivah Pooja. You should consult with Pandit Ji before starting the puja if any of the family members are not available for the puja.
Our pandit ji will bring the required basic puja materials for Kumbh vivah, if additional things are required a list of puja items will be given to you at the time of puja discussion with pandit ji.
It is advised to dress for Kumbh Vivah Puja following Guruji’s directions. It is not permitted to dress in all black. By Swastivachan, Sankalp is made for worship.
Flowers, kumkum, and Akshada are used in the worship of Lord Ganesha. It is customary to worship Lord Vishnu’s idol on a clay Kumbh pot before the Kumbh marriage.
Similarly, after paying homage to the god (agni-devata), by burning a lamp. The Lord Vishnu idol is submerged in the reservoir or river following the conclusion of the Kumbha-Vivah. Taking Guruji’s blessings marks the end of the puja after it has been completed.
Mantra: Om ang angarkaaya namah
ॐ अंग अंगारकाय नमः
Om Krim Kum Kujaya Namah
ओम क्रिम कुम कुजाय नमः
Om Angarkaya vidmahe, bhoomipalaya dhimahi, tanno Kujah prachodayat
ॐ अंगारकया विद्माहे, भूमिपालय धिमही, तन्नो कुजाह प्रचोदयत
Manglik Yog or Manglik Dosha are related to Kumbh Vivah. Mars sees the seventh house of the horoscope when it is in the 1, 4, 7, or 12th house of the horoscope. The seventh house is also known as the house of marriage, the life partner, or the spouse.
The seventh house is under Mars’ influence in Vedic Astrology. It is detrimental to marriage and marital harmony.
This is not at all unusual; in fact, this Manglik Yog will be present in roughly 40% of horoscopes. Only after a thorough analysis of the horoscope can they determine how cancerous this Yog is.
Following a thorough examination of horoscopes, it was found that just 10% to 12% of persons are affected.
If someone proposes that the groom perform a Kumbh vivah, they should go to the Pandit and inquire about the process; he is aware of the Kumbh vivah puja cost.
It’s like a real wedding, but there’s no need to make a choice. It’s similar to covert weddings where the mother, mother-in-law, and brother are present, and this is a wedding that will soon be over.
This has absolutely no value. Kumbha Vivah Shanti Puja generally costs less than 5000/-. The rituals and procedures are also identical to those of a traditional wedding. To know more about the cost of the puja, you should consult our experts.
Another benefit is that the one hoping to be married doesn’t need to provide a physical gift for the Kumbha Vivah Shanti Puja.
Since this Puja is performed using the person’s Kundli / Horoscope at the time of Puja to energize Graham to bring the life mate closer to you and to shorten wedding delays, the requirement for actual presence has been replaced.
Many people from all across the Republic of India and abroad attend the Kumbh Vivah for Non-Manglik thanks to the traveller.
Kumbha Vivah Shanti Puja can only be performed between the hours of 3 and 5 in the morning, just after sunset and before daybreak. Often, Navagraha would accept and fulfil your wishes when she is at her most serene and collected.
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