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Pandit for Madhu Abhisheka: Cost, Vidhi, And Benefits

99Pandit Ji
Last Updated:November 25, 2023

The term Madhu Abhisheka means to give a holy bath to the image or idol of a deity with Madhu (honey). In Hindu culture, if you wish to achieve something or any desire you have, performing abhishek to the deity can help you to fulfil your dreams by offering a bath to God with different liquid ingredients. 

Madhu Abhisheka

The process Abhisheka means “give a holy bath to the divinity to whom worship is offered”. This is a religious ritual and method of worship where a devotee pours a liquid onto the idol of the Lord and the image of God & Goddess. Madhu Abhisheka is common to Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. 

A Hindu pandit can conduct the Madhu Abhisheka by bathing the image of the deity being worshipped with the recitation of Vedic mantras. In the procedure of abhisheka, people usually pour offerings such as milk, ghee, honey, yogurt, panchamrita, rose water, sesame oil, and sandalwood paste.


Apart from other ingredients, offering depends on the type of Abhisheka being performed to the Lord. The Madhu Abhisheka is routinely performed in Hindu temples. Mostly devotees perform the rudrabhishekam and abhishekam of Lord Shiva on the lingams. Another kumbhabhishekam is a consecration ritual for a Hindu temple. 

In this article, we will discuss the Madhu abhisheka and how it will perform with the recitation of Vedic mantras. Everyone should participate in the Madhu Abhisheka procedure with full dedication and devotion to get the benefits of it. 

Introduction To Madhu Abhisheka

The holy bath given using honey to a god is called a Madhu Abhisheka. This sacred ritual of hydration is used to entice celestial forces into our existence. It is a straightforward yet incredibly powerful purifying method. This ritual is conducted by the gods, who represent purity in themselves, just because it is still the most effective way to purify our souls.

Pandit For Madhu Abhisheka


The Madhu Abhisheka is the process of bathing God with liquid ingredients where the abhisheka word is taken from Sanskrit. The Abhisheka word defines the meaning “sprinkle” and “wetting”. The ritual consists of the process of pouring water and other sacred substances on the idol of the deity while chanting mantras by pandits.   

Another Sanskrit word means “worship” of Madhu Abhisheka. People believe that Madhu Abhisheka surrenders and loves the deity because the devotees cleanse and purify their minds by giving a holy bath to the statue. The Madhu Abhishekam could also be practiced in forms of yoga like Bhakti yoga. 

Among other things, milk, yogurt, ghee, honey, sugar, oil, and fruit juices are some of the cleansing liquids used in abhishekam. The first five of these stand for the five elements: ether, air, fire, earth, and water. You can also pour panchamrit, a concoction of all five, over the murti. The murti is dressed, fed, and worshipped after being bathed.

The devotees implore the deity to cleanse the five elements—vision (water), taste (earth), hearing (fire), smell (ether), and touch—inside of them by providing the items that represent those elements (air).

But in the process of Madhu abhisheka, the deity is given a bath of only the sacred item honey which is also used in the panchamrit. 

Panchamrit Abhisheka: Meaning and Significance

The Abhisheka of Honey (Madhu Abhisheka) denotes the moment when beings (jeevis) eventually unite with Him and get the nectar of bliss that honey represents. As it is believed that doing abhishekam with honey produced by bees with full dedication and devotion describes the unity and sweet speech. 

As per Hindu mythology, the Lord gained immortality by drinking panchamrit and there is also a belief that drinking panchamrit helps to gain health benefits like improving brain function, nourishing the skin, and purifying the body. 

Madhu Abhisheka

The ingredients used for making panchamrit are based on the name which denotes that there are five sacred items used. Below are the five items with symbolic meanings, take a look.

  1. Milk – signifies purity and piousness
  2. Honey – the sacred item honey is produced by bees which symbolizes dedication and cooperation of sweet speech and unity
  3. Sugar – used to be blissful and happy
  4. Yogurt/curd – represents prosperity
  5. Ghee – is used to signify strength and victory.

In a dish, whisk together 4-5 tsp cow’s milk, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp yogurt, and 2 tsp ghee.

Madhu Abhisheka Importance 

Every day many Hindus visit the temples to worship the god and please them. The people stand in long queues to see the Lord performing the Abhisheka process. But have you ever thought about why the deity undergoes the Madhu Abhisheka? Let’s move on to discuss the reason why we performed Madhu Abhisheka.

The priest of the temple must offer the idol Madhu Abhisheka daily. Later, the worshippers distribute the panchamrutham, also known as theertham, which uses major ingredients such as milk, curd, and ghee; it is also crucial to use ingredients that come from cows.



According to the Hindu religion, the cow is worshiped and is thought to contain all 33 crore Hindu gods. Consequently, it is likewise a highly revered animal among Hindus.

Madhu Abhisheka

The significance of the abhishekam is that it cleanses our bodies when we drink it since each item utilized in the thirtha has a certain purpose. Abhishekams are offered in a variety of formats to the idol. Let’s examine the many types of abhishekam and their purposes now.

  1. Kumkum Abhishekam
  2. Turmeric Abhishekam
  3. Milk Abhishekam
  4. Curd Abhishekam
  5. Honey Abhishekam
  6. Sugar Abhisheka
  7. Dry Fruits And Banana
  8. Water 

Madhu Abhisheka: Best Time to Perform

If you are going to perform the Madhu Abhisheka to Lord Shiva. One would consider performing this ceremony on Moon-ruled Mondays fortunate since Lord Shiva is claimed to have consumed poison originating from the churning of the ocean and then placed the Moon on his head to calm it.

On Pradosham days, you can also perform Madhu Abhisheka. According to the Hindu calendar, Pradosha or Pradosham occurs every two months on the thirteenth day of the two weeks. According to the Hindu calendar, Trayodashi, which means “thirteen,” is the thirteenth day of a lunar phase or fortnight. 

There are two Trayodashi days per month, which fall on the thirteenth day of the “brilliant phase” and “dark phase,” respectively, of the moon. People use the term Pradosh to describe the time just before and just after sunset when they believe that Lord Shiva is at his happiest and most willing to give up his powers.

Madhu Abhisheka Vidhi

  • Make sure you’ve had a bath and that your hands, feet, and face are clean.
  • You can do the ceremony on your nightstand, which serves as the platform, or in a clean, uncluttered part of your home. You can use a specific cloth to cover the table if you’d like.
  • You should place your statue or lingham (an abstract depiction of Lord Shiva) on the table facing east (you can use a compass on your phone to determine the correct direction).
  • Under the statue, set a clean, shallow dish to catch the liquid offering.
  • Slowly pour either water or your sacred honey concoction over the statue or lingam.
  • You might recite a mantra associated with the statue or lingam as you pour the liquid on it; for Lord Shiva, for instance, play the Sri Rudram chant while chanting the straightforward Aum Namah Shivaya mantra.
  • Give the ritual everything you’ve got so the mind stays on task and doesn’t wander.
  • If you use any liquid other than water, carefully wash the statue with water afterwards to remove any leftover liquids.
  • Wipe the statue or lingam with a fresh piece of towel.
  • Also, if you choose, you can purify the air before the ceremony by lighting some incense at the beginning. After cleaning the statue or lingam, you can decorate it by presenting flowers and applying a vibhuti (holy ash), sandalwood, and kumkum (vermilion) tilaka to the statue’s forehead and feet. This pays respect to the earth’s element, which is crucial for survival.
  • If you use panchamrit for the ritual, you can pour the mixture from the shallow bowl into a glass and consume it as “prasadam,” a gift given to you by the deity after the offering, with mindfulness and thanks.

Benefits Of Madhu Abhisheka

The priests perform Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam, chanting Sri Rudra while using special bathing materials such as Ganga water, milk, buttermilk, ghee, honey, rosewater, coconut water, sandal paste, scented oil, sugarcane juice, and lime juice to bathe the deity or Shiva Lingam eleven (11) times in the sacred bath of honey.

After each Abhisheka, priests throw pure water over the Shiva Lingam, which represents Shiva. They use various Abhisheka articles after each stanza of the Rudra when they repeat it once.

Devotees who receive the water used for abhishekam or the other items utilized as the Lord’s prasad revere it and believe it bestows enormous benefits on them. It eliminates many sins and purifies the heart. It encourages spiritual piety and cooperation among people.

Doing Madhu Abhisheka brings positive, empowering vibrations into the environment and pure worshippers, clearing out negative energy while also protecting from natural disasters! One must consume such food with fervent Bhava (pure emotion) and faith.

Pandit For Madhu Abhisheka By 99Pandit 

Users have the option to schedule a priest or pandit through 99Pandit to perform Madhu Abhisheka . We’ll help you follow the Madhu Abhisheka rules and ensure that your event finishes with lots of shaucha (full of purity and conscientiousness). 

Customers may get complete puja services from 99Pandit without any trouble. Our group will send a capable North Indian Pandit Ji to the Madhu Abhisheka. Following age-old Vedic rituals, people perform Puja.The entire Puja supply will also be provided. You ought to have some household essentials, confections, produce, and Panchamrit on hand.

The skilled, experienced, and informed pandits of 99Pandit do pujas follow your community’s, language, and location’s customs. We take care of every stage of the procedure, including arranging the right Pandit and giving him the greatest Muhurat, Puja Samagri, and flowers, among other things.

To ensure you have a positive and holy puja experience, all you need to do is book the service, relax, and wait. To learn about the packages and prices, please click the “Book a Pandit” button.

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Frequently Asked Question

Q. What do you understand about Madhu abhisheka?

A. The term Madhu Abhisheka means to give a holy bath to the image or idol of a deity with Madhu (honey). In Hindu culture, if you are wishing to achieve something or any desire you have. Performing abhishek to the deity can help you to fulfill your dreams.

Q. People use what sacred ingredients to prepare the panchamrita?

A. The five ingredients used for the panchamrita are milk, yogurt, ghee, honey, sugar, oil, and fruit juices are some of the cleansing liquids used in abhishekam. The first five of these stand for the five elements: ether, air, fire, earth, and water.

Q. People can perform how many types of Abhishekam?

A. Abhishekams offered a variety of formats to the idol. Let’s examine the many types of abhishekam and their purposes now. The different types of Abhishekam are Kumkum \ Turmeric\ Milk \ Curd \ Honey \ Sugar \ Dry Fruits\ Banana\ and Water.

Q. How long does Abhishekam take to complete?

A. To complete the process for Madhu abhisheka 1 hour and 30 minutes are required. The ritual bathing of the Linga with other sacred ingredients milk, yogurt, butter, and honey is the first step of the abhishek. People use Rudraksha, flowers, and Bel Leaves to decorate the Shiva Linga.

Q. What are the benefits of Madhu Abhisheka?

A. Doing Madhu abhisheka brings positive, empowering vibrations are introduced into the environment and pure worshippers, clearing out negative energy while also protecting from natural disasters.



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