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Mahalaya Amavasya

Mahalaya Amavasya (Paksha): Benefits, Vidhi & Customs

99Pandit Ji
Last Updated:July 14, 2024

Mahalaya Amavasya Puja is considered to be the biggest day of Pitru paksha as on this day the people appease their ancestors and feed the food to Brahmins.

In Hindu ancient scriptures, Mahalaya describes one of the stages in which Pitru paksha falls at the end of Ashwin fortnight during new moon day. This Pitru paksha embarks the starting of Mahalaya Paksha, a 16-day lunar period of shradha in the Hindu Panchang.

During the lunar period, families pay homage to their ancestors and deceased relatives by performing tarpan and offering food. People also believe that performing this ritual during Mahalaya Paksha helps ancestors free themselves from past life sins and bless their families.

Mahalaya Amavasya

Mahalaya Amavasya is a highly significant and fortunate day for expressing appreciation to our forefathers, or Pitrus. The gloomy fortnight, also known as Mahalaya Paksha, takes place between September and October.

Mahalaya Amavasya occurs during this time as the New Moon. Performing Tarpanam during this holy fortnight is a great way to comfort one’s, deceased ancestors.

Amavasya falls on the last day of this fortnight, and it is the most important day in the year for such rites. For departed family members who passed away on Amavasya Tithi, Poornima Tithi, or Chaturdashi Tithi, Hindus perform Amavasya Tithi Shraddha.

So are you finding the pandit for Mahalaya Amavasya and want to express your gratitude towards your ancestors? If yes, then you got the right one!

We are the experts who connect the pandit with devotees and devotees with pandits to fulfill their requirements. We have available various pandits to perform the Vedic rituals or E-Puja in various languages.

Then let’s go to explore more details about the Mahalaya Amavasya and how it is performed by the pandit.

What Do You Understand By Mahalaya Amavasya

Mahalaya Amavasya, also known as Pitru Moksha Amavasya, Pitru Amavasya, or Sarvapitri Amavasya, is a traditional day in the Hindu calendar. The custom is intended to honor our ancestors or Pitra. On this day, all the family members offer to their past generations to express thanks and thank them for all the life they have given us.

According to the Amavasyant calendar followed in South India, Pitru Amavasya is observed in the Bhadrapada month on New Moon Day (Amavasya). But, North Indians follow the Purnimant calendar, and according to it, Mahalaya Amavasya is observed in Ashwin; during September-October according to the Gregorian Calendar.




The new moon day, Mahalaya Paksha, also known as Mahalaya Amavasya, is observed on the fifteenth day of Sharadh. According to Hinduism, this is the most crucial fortnight for comforting our ancestors.

It is also referred to as Pitru Paksha Amavasya or Sarvapitri Amavasya, and it is the ideal day to perform Tarpanam, or ancestral rituals, for departed family members.

Family members might do their shradh rites or pind daan on Mahalaya Amavasya if they are unaware of the date of their ancestors’ passing. Also, it will guarantee that the ancestors are content and would bless family members for the tranquility and richness they have.

As per the belief, there are many histories and legends related to the Mahalaya Amavasya. But still, the purpose of performing Mahalaya Amavasya is to express gratitude to ancestors and provide them with moksha in heaven and at home.

Story Behind Mahalaya Amavasya

The Mahabharata is an epic that mentions the legend of Mahalaya Amavasya. Lord Karna passed away and ascended to heaven, and it is said that someone provided him with Jewellery, stones, and diamonds to eat.

He was taken aback by this and sought Lord Indra’s guidance to allay his confusion. Lord Indra responded that although Karna gave generously and generously throughout his lifetime, he omitted to perform the Anna-Daan act for his forefathers.

Mahalaya Amavasya

He requested a chance to return to the mortal realm to make apologies. After being granted permission to return for 16 days, he gave food and water to his forefathers, then he went back to his heavenly home. Since that time, people have referred to the period as Pitru Paksha or Mahalaya Paksha.

Mahalaya Amavasya is the ideal day to memorialize any of your loved ones who passed away violently and unexpectedly, whether they did it by accident, murder, or suicide. If you worship with faith and make your offerings to them with love and gratitude on this day, you can pacify them.

You will be performing Shradh and offering sacrifices on Mahalaya Amavasya. You can bring their souls gati and tranquillity by doing Shradh on Mahalaya Amavasya and making offerings (forward momentum).

Also, this can foster joyful and peaceful relationships within the family. After performing this ritual, you are also likely to experience physical and mental health benefits.

Significance Of Mahalaya Amavasya

The energy of spirit beings is thought to be present in the atmosphere during the Mahalaya Paksha fortnight. To accept sacrifices from their offspring, departed souls travel from Pitru Loka to Earth. During this period, if you do rituals and prayers, you can gain special virtue.

Everyone can show their thanks to their deceased ancestors by performing Mahalaya Tarpanam on Sarvapitri Amavasya or Mahalaya Amavasya, the day of memory observed worldwide.

The Mahalaya Amavasya defines the meaning that Maha means = great, Alaya means = a place, Ama means = together and Vasya means = to reside. Hence this term signifies the time when ancestors visit the earth to get offerings from their families.




But in case you are not able to perform the shraddha ritual on Amavasya tithi, Poornima tithi, and Chaturdashi, you should perform it on Mahalaya Amavasya to appease their ancestors.

Mahalaya Amavasya is also known as Sarva Pitra Moksha Amavasya. The lunar period of the fortnight is very important for spiritual practices. On the day of Mahalaya amavasya the sun and moon exert gravitational force on the earth. Because of this, the powers of all beings are exerted upwards. This forces heightened awareness.

People may also offer the offerings made on Mahalaya Amavasya to those who pass away without having children. Individuals who didn’t perform charitable deeds or give food donations won’t find solace in Pitri Loka.

These rituals can also be beneficial to these people’s souls. People can appease the dead whose dates of passing are unknown and for whom they cannot conduct the annual Shraddh on Mahalaya Amavasya.

As Per Astrology Mahalaya Amavasya

Based on astrology the sun planet enters into the zodiac sign Virgo, and the Mahalaya amavasya period starts. To know about the actions and karmas of previous birth, you see the fifth house position in kundali. In the kaal purush kundali, the fifth house hosts the sun, indicating one’s ancestry.

कन्यागते सवितरि पितरौ यान्ति वै सुतान,
अमावस्या दिने प्राप्ते गृहद्वारं समाश्रिता:
श्रद्धाभावे स्वभवनं शापं दत्वा ब्रजन्ति ते॥

kanyāgate savitari pitarau yānti vai sutāna,
amāvasyā dine prāpte gṛhadvāraṃ samāśritā:
śraddhābhāve svabhavanaṃ śāpaṃ datvā brajanti te॥

It simply implies that the departed ancestors’ souls visit their sons, grandsons, and offspring when the planet Sun enters the Virgo sign. Ancestors may potentially curse their descendants and offspring if the Shradh ceremony isn’t performed during Ashwini Amavasya.

This is why performing Tarpan with a mixture of fruits, flowers, and water, as well as giving to charity and food donations, is necessary. Those with Pitru Dosha in their kundli are those who don’t perform the Shradh ceremony and don’t honor their ancestors.

Mahalaya Amavasya Procedure (Vidhi)

The pandit for Mahalaya Amavasya conducts the rituals for the deceased. On this day, people perform tarpan and shraddha rites to honor family members who passed away on the “Chaturdashi,” “Amavasya,” or “Purnima” dates.

The observer rises early on the day of Pitra Moksha Amavasya and completes the morning rites. On this day, they welcome a Brahmin to their home and dress in yellow. The family’s oldest man participates in the shraddha ceremony.

Mahalaya Amavasya

The ceremonial watcher washes the Brahmin’s feet and gives them a spotless seat when they enter. Hindu scriptures outline a certain seating arrangement. The Brahmins of Pitra Paksha and Matru Paksha sit facing the north, while the Brahmins of Deva Paksha sit facing the east.

On Mahalaya Amavasya, ancestors, or “pitra,” are honored. They are worshipped with dhoop, diya, and flowers on this day. To appease the ancestors, water, and grain are also provided. A sacred thread is worn on the right shoulder, and a donation of a splint is made.

After completing the puja rites, the organizers serve specially prepared food for this occasion to the Brahmins. The Brahmins are seated with sesame seeds and devotees cover the floor.

On this dedicated day, family members spend time remembering their ancestors. Chanting mantras seek the blessings of the ancestors. On this day, individuals give thanks to their ancestors who helped make their lives possible. Additionally, they request an apology from their ancestors,

Benefits Of Mahalaya Amavasya

Family members will benefit from performing Mahalaya Amavasya for their departed ancestors in the following ways:

  • Offering them moksha or redemption aids in the satiation of the restless spirits.
  • During Mahalaya Amavasya, ancestors’ blessings assist in resolving family members’ difficulties with relationships, careers, health, and finances.
  • Family members receive blessings for good fortune and prosperous life from their souls.
  • Eliminate all ancestral bad luck and karma, and assist family members in achieving success in all areas of their lives.
  • Get rid of all the doshas and negative karma you accrued for not performing shradh in the past.

Why One Should Perform Mahalaya Amavasya?

The Mahalaya Amavasya in Hinduism organizes ceremonies for the ancestors after their death. The Hindu scriptures state that when the soul leaves the earth, it reaches Pitra lok after three days.




The soul undergoes a process of up to 13 days, followed by the performance of Terahvi. Pind daan and tarpan vidhi ensure the moksha of the departed soul one month after death.

Who Should Perform Mahalaya Amavasya

  1. People who want to show their gratitude for having been born into this life and to show their appreciation for it must attend this ceremony.
  2. Those who have Pitru Dosha must observe this day to purge it.
  3. Those who have persistent, never-ending difficulties in life, and suffer from illnesses, injuries, and loans should perform the rituals.

Do’s And Don’ts 

  • Family members must make shradh or tarpan to the departed ancestors to eradicate ancestral doshas and bad karma.
  • The shradh can help remove the karma that keeps the deceased’s soul from achieving moksha.
  • To assist their ancestors in finding redemption, observers must plan a puja.
  • To receive blessings from the ancestors, one must give water to the Peepal tree.


Mahalaya Amavasya is, in general, a day honoring your ancestors. In actuality, it is a gesture of appreciation towards the ancestors and earlier generations.

To obtain blessings from departed family members’ spirits and assist them in achieving moksha or salvation, it is important to perform Pitru Paksha or Mahalaya Amavasya Puja.

To ensure that the observer or puja performer follows the rules, they need to be an expert in performing all the rituals and mantras. 99Pandit is an economical bundle if you’re considering doing puja on Mahalaya Amavasya.

Devotees can book pandit for pujas such as Puja for Business Growth on 99Pandit. Devotees can visit the website or app of 99Pandit to book pandit for pujas such as Marriage Puja, Engagement Puja, and Griha Pravesh Puja on 99Pandit.

Book Pandit for Mahalaya Amavasya from 99Pandit and also using its services you can find a Pandit near me.

We sincerely hope that the given information was useful. Happy Mahalaya Amavasya, everyone!

Frequently Asked Question

Q. What is Mahalaya amavasya?

A.Mahalaya Amavasya, also known as Pitru Moksha Amavasya, Pitru Amavasya, or Sarvapitri Amavasya, is a traditional day in the Hindu calendar. Our ancestors or pitra are honored by the custom.

Q. When mahalaya amavasya should we perform?

A.Mahalaya Amavasya is observed on the 15th Day of Sharadh; the new moon day called Mahalaya Paksha. According to Hinduism, this is the most crucial fortnight for comforting our ancestors.

Q. Where can we find pandits for Mahalaya Amavasya?

A.99Pandit is an economical bundle if you’re considering doing puja on Mahalaya Amavasya. Book Pandit for Mahalaya Amavasya from 99Pandit and also using its services you can find a Pandit near me.

Q. What is the procedure of Mahalaya amavasya?

A.On this day, many individuals give Tarpan or Shraddha in remembrance of their ancestors to bring their souls happiness.  During Mahalaya Amavasya, people claim that the ancestors bid farewell in the morning, and Maa Durga arrives on earth in the evening to bestow blessings on humanity.

Q. Why should Mahalaya Amavasya be performed?

A.The Mahalaya Amavasya in Hinduism is organized for the ancestors after their death. The hindu scriptures state that when the soul leaves the earth, it reaches to pitra lok after three days. The soul takes up to 13 days, and then Terahvi is performed for it.



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