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7 Chakra Balancing Puja

Pandit for 7 Chakra Balancing Puja: Cost, Vidhi & Benefits

99Pandit Ji
Last Updated:September 17, 2024

Organizing 7 Chakra Balancing Puja helps a native to activate his body and mind relations to overcome many problems. We are the one who offers service for seven chakra balancing puja at your convenience. But what is a ‘chakra’ and how does it play a role in balancing puja?

What is 7 Chakra Balancing Puja and why do we need to perform it? Who can help us to perform this kind of puja? What are the benefits of performing this puja?

Well, chakra can be said as an energy center which means a wheel or circuit that rotates on its axis. As per the ancient saints, our body system is categorized into energy fields called chakras.

7 Chakra Balancing Puja

Every chakra is connected to a particular element and they are positioned lengthwise in the body and balanced with each other to simplify an uninterrupted energy flow.

An unbalanced energy gilded may cause blockage in the flow of energy due to any reason. Every chakra has its color specified related to it which is of crucial importance for repairing an unbalanced chakra or giving power to it. The chakra even correlates to levels of colors, emotions, body functions, and consciousness.

Significance of 7 Chakra Balancing Puja

Chakras can be said as the wheels of energy centers present inside our bodies. They do the perpetual rational movement to tangle energy inside them to send it to the parts of our body organs that are connected to a specific chakra or plexus. There are a total of 7 chakras presented in our body.

In the human body, the Sahasrar chakra is the 7th primary chakra, which is available in the form of the crown of the head aligning with the rest of the six primary chakras. Both Sushumna and Ida naadis combine to activate the kundalini shakti.

In kundalini yoga, the Sahasrar chakra is considered to be like a flower with a thousand petals in a bunch of twenty, that opens up when the Sahasrar chakra is triggered.




Balancing or triggering these chakra drives pure consciousness that leads to the eternal samadhi or nirvikalpa samadhi as they are displayed in Yog Darshan. Such a thousand-petalled lotus-shaped chakra is the very modest of all chakras and all the other chakras are determined to be originating from it. This is also referred to as the gateway to God, the Brahmarandhra.

Here are the 7 chakras presented in our body and to balance these chakras, we are advised to perform 7 chakra balancing puja.

1. Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

This is the seventh primary chakra Sahasrara chakra in the shape of the crown which is positioned at the crown of the head and is related to the divine/universe. The Sahasrara chakra means everything about spiritual connectivity.

2. Ajna (Third eye) Chakra

This is the sixth chakra also called the Third eye chakra. This chakra defines its meaning as perception that also becomes aware of the control. This is related to the power of imagination, thinking, and conceptual ideals or controls the whole personality of one’s. This is due to the third eye chakra being linked with sharpening your intuition or balancing to the more extensive universe.

3. Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra

This is the fifth chakra which is located at the throat region above the collarbone. This chakra coordinates with the laryngeal plexus and is connected with hearing, speaking/expressing, and listening.

Because of throat chakra healing, specifically, the throat chakra importance is described as you can quickly find that you see improvements in conversation in a large scope of regions.

4. Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Another fourth chakra Anahata (Heart) chakra is located at the center of the chest. The heart chakra is an emotional zone where you feel feelings of compassion, love, devotion, and generosity, and from the negative side – you experience mistrust, despair, envy, hate, and passive anger. Feeling these emotions, you can support your self-learning and reactivate your enthusiastic investments.

5. Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra

As the solar plexus chakra likewise has a great thing to do with life reasons, cracking away at this chakra can be a reducing prevention. Correspondingly, this allows you to ensure you are using your opportunity to build a superior future for yourself.

We will now take a gander at expressive behaviors by which you can free your solar plexus chakra. Make sure to consider how you can integrate these strategies into your routine day-to-day existence.

6. Svadhishthana (Sacral) Chakra

The sacral chakra areas are present in your belly’s focal point, in the only two or three craws underneath your navel. Current and then called the Svadhishthana, and this is the second chakra and known with every little thing of you that is associated with creation. This indicates your masterful yield also your sex drive, the potential for self-awareness, and a creative mind.

7. Muladhara (Root) Chakra

This is the root chakra which is the fundamental at the point when everything is good with this chakra, you would experience a sense of quiet, safety, and protection in reality.

You will be eager to manage new problems and experience sure doing like these. This creates a right-adjusted root chakra elemental at whatever level you are taking a try at something new or looking after a noteworthy consuming reason.

Purpose of Seven Chakra Balancing Puja

We are going to discuss why we need to perform seven chakra balancing puja.

Goal: aligning and harmonizing the seven chakras

The primary goal of the 7 chakras balancing puja is to line up and harmonize the seven chakras to encourage entire well-being. We perform this chakra puja as an auspicious ritual to purify and energize each chakra in our body, ensuring that energy flows freely and effortlessly throughout the body.

7 Chakra Balancing Puja

Performing such purifying puja, one can seek to correct imbalances, reduce blockages, and restore harmony within the body.

Advantages of managing balanced chakras –

Managing balanced chakras could have profound impacts on multiple aspects of life:

  • Emotional consistency: Coordinated chakras may help to handle and release emotional blockages, driving to a more balanced and consistent emotional state.
  • Physical health: Assuring every chakra is functioning ideally, one can feel enhanced physical health, involving better functions related to organs and the body.
  • Religious growth: A balanced energy system enables spiritual development and a strong connection to an individual’s higher self and universal consciousness. 
  • Relationship improvement: By encouraging inner harmony, one can feel a more fulfilling and harmonious connection with others.
  • Mental clarity: To enhance mental clarity, decision-making abilities, and focus, balanced chakras give contribution.

The seven chakra balancing plays a critical role in helping people to obtain and handle this balance, boost holistic well-being, and strengthen relationships with their internal and external worlds.

Vidhi to Perform 7 Chakra Balancing Puja

Before starting the puja & rituals we need to arrange the items or make preparations to perform the puja appropriately.

1. Preparations for the Chakra Balancing Puja

The following puja items are required to perform the puja:

Incense sticks or sage, Candles (one for each chakra, preferably in corresponding colors), Flowers (fresh or dried, in chakra-specific colors), Diya (lamp) with ghee or oil, A small bell, A clean cloth or mat for sitting, A bowl of water for offering and Prasad (sacred food offerings).

The puja materials required for each chakra include red flowers for the root chakra, yellow for the solar plexus, and orange for the sacral chakra, among others. These symbols help to aim energy on every specific chakra in the puja.

Purify the Puja Place

Clean the puja place where you will perform the rituals. This is done to create a sacred environment to facilitate the puja. The first thing to do is to light the incense sticks to purify the air and set a spiritual environment.




People use incense sticks to remove negative energies and create a focused environment. You can also burn sage, known as smudging, to purify the space. Bells or chimes neutralize the negativity and increase the spiritual ambiance.

2. Building a Sacred Place

  • Make the arrangements for sitting in the puja which is important to focus and concentrate during the puja. Clean the puja place and ensure that you perform the puja in a quiet, serene environment without disturbing others. The seating area should be facing east or north, because these are the auspicious directions for puja.
  • Put images or symbols displaying every one of the seven chakras on the altar (central part of the puja setup). You can also use illustration yantras or crystals connected with every chakra. 
  • Prepare colored candles or crystals related to every chakra around the puja place. This helps to focus energy and preference on every chakra. Like, keep a red candle dedicated to the root chakra and violet for the crown chakra.

3. Invocation and Preparation

Start the puja with Ganesh Puja by invoking lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. Light incense or diya, offer flowers, and sweets, and recite ganesh mantras like ‘Om Gan Ganpataye Namah’ to receive blessings for an effective puja.

After Ganesh puja, spend some time in silent meditation, aiming at your breath and visualizing roots extending from your body into the earth. The ritual helps in leveling your energy and making a sense of stability before starting the ritual.

4. Chakra-Specific Rituals

Muladhara (Root chakra): For this chakra-related puja, light a red candle and keep it on the altar. Offer red flowers and chant the mantra ‘LAM’. Picture a vibrant red light at the bottom of your spine, leveling and consistent your energy. Experience a sense of security and relation to the earth.

Svadhisthana (Sacral chakra): During this chakra-related puja, light an orange candle and keep it on the altar. Present orange flowers with the mantra recitation ‘VAM’ and visualize light in your lower abdomen, improving creativity and emotional balance. Let yourself welcome joy and fluidity.

Manipura (Solar plexus chakra): In the Solar plexus chakra puja, light a yellow candle and keep it on the altar, offering yellow flowers and chanting the mantra ‘RAM’. Imagine bright yellow light in your upper abdomen, boosting personal strength and confidence and feeling a sense of inner power or self-esteem.

Anahata (Heart chakra): Light a green candle by offering green flowers and a mantra recite ‘YAM’ or visualize a soothing green light in your heart center, boosting love, emotional healing, and compassion.

Vishuddha (Throat chakra): Light a blue candle and offer blue flowers with the mantra ‘HAM’ and imagine clear blue light in your throat to improve concentration and self-expression.

Ajna (Third eye chakra): Light an indigo candle and offer indigo flowers or recite the mantra ‘OM’ with the visualization of indigo light between your eyebrows, awakening insight or intuition.

Sahasrara (Crown chakra): Light a violet or white candle and offer white flowers and a mantra recite ‘OM’ and visualize a radiant violet light at the top of your head, connecting with consciousness and spiritual refinement.

5. Aarti & Prayers

To conclude the puja, perform aarti and prayers to the God by lighting a lamp in a circular motion of the puja place. Chant prayers for every chakra, and show gratitude for the divine powers and direction received.

Offering prayers to the deity is a way to show your gratitude and seek blessings. Distribute Prasad to the participants and family members.

Benefits of 7 Chakra Balancing Puja

1. Emotional Healing

The 7 chakras balancing puja removes emotional blockages connected with each of the seven chakras. Such blockages can embody unresolved emotions, past traumas, chronic stress, and feelings. Concentrating on every chakra helps in freeing negative emotions, enabling emotional release and healing.

7 Chakra Balancing Puja

Also, the chakra balancing puja improves emotional resilience, making it simple to cope with life’s hurdles. This balances emotional stability, helping one to manage a calm and balanced condition in challenging situations and promoting a sense of inner calm.

2. Improves Physical Health

Each chakra connects to specific organs and physiological systems, managing them to maintain their health.

3. Enhanced Mental Clarity and Focus

The seven chakras balancing puja improves mental clarity and intuition. Positioning the third eye chakra enhances one’s perception and insight, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving skills.

The transparency achieved from a balanced third-eye chakra also supports accessing deeper levels of understanding and instinct in personal and professional lives.

4. Improves Love, Empathy, and Interaction

A balanced heart chakra boosts compassion, empathy, and love and improves personal relationships. When the heart chakra is in its favor, one can express and receive love, bringing healthier and more desirable relationships.

Likewise, a balanced throat chakra enhances communication skills, enabling clearer and more compelling communication with others. These enhancements in love and conversation donate to stronger and more harmonious relationships.

5. Promotes Spiritual Awareness

Maintaining the chakras within our body system simplifies a strong connection to religious consciousness and a higher self. The crown chakra rules our sense of connection to the world and religious enlightenment.

When you manage and balance this chakra, you feel a greater sense of purpose, become more aware of your spiritual path, and experience a deep connection with the universe. This improved spiritual awareness may lead to personal growth and a strong understanding of an individual’s place in the world.

6. Personal Growth, and Empowerment

A balanced solar plexus chakra encourages personal growth and confidence. By removing blockages in this chakra, one frequently feels an enhancement in self-esteem, inspiration, and passion.

This encouragement allows individuals to follow their goals with high confidence and stability. Plus, balanced chakras donate to a deep experience of self and personal growth, leveraging growth and accomplishment in various areas of life.

7. Greater Creativity and Self-Expression

The sacral chakra, which rules creativity and self-expression, benefits significantly from a chakra-balancing puja. When one maintains this chakra, they experience a wave of interactive energy and feel relieved to express themselves traditionally.

Improved creativity can manifest in multiple forms, including artistic endeavors, creative thinking, and deep and authentic expression of one’s true self.

8. Stress Reduction and Relaxation

The balanced chakras help to lower stress and promote relaxation. The act of concentrating on every chakra during the puja motivates a state of calm and peace. Positioning these chakras around the energy centers, one often searches for a deeper sense of inner peace and relaxation. This contraction in stress contributes to entire well-being and a more balanced and peaceful state of life.

9. Entire Well-being

The 7 chakras balancing puja help to harmonize the mental, spiritual, emotional, religious, and physical aspects of life. Referring to and balancing these chakras, the puja promotes entire well-being and a holistic sense of balance.

This connection of physical health, spiritual awareness, and emotional stability contributes to a more desirable and balanced life experience.

Cost of 7 Chakra Balancing Puja

Organizing 7 chakras and balancing puja to manage the 7 chakras in your body may cost differently as per the requirements. Various factors determine what would be the cost of puja. The factors are location, number of pandits, puja items, duration, and complexity.




The costs for the puja can range from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 30,000 based on the pandit’s fees, materials used, and quality, or the time it takes to complete the puja. Before scheduling the ritual, consult with an expert, verified, or reliable pandit to know the exact price for the puja.

Sum Up

The ritual, 7 chakra balancing puja is the one to position and harmonize the seven chakras within our body system. Concentrating on every chakra, the puja focuses on clearing blockages, improving well-being, and restoring balance. The puja brings emotional healing, mental clarity, spiritual growth, and physical health.

Moreover, the 7 chakras balancing puja keep the converting potential for those who seek holistic well-being and spiritual enhancement throughout the body. By investing time in this ritual, people can obtain effective balance, clarity, and harmony in their lives.

Adopting the tradition drives us to a more connected and empowered existence, and improves a deeper understanding of ourselves and one’s place in the world.



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