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Shani Jayanti 2025

Shani Jayanti 2025: Time, Vidhi & Benefits

99Pandit Ji
Last Updated:March 9, 2025

Shani Jayanti 2025: Shani Jayanti is the celebration of Lord Shani’s birthday. Shani Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Lord Shani, and Shani Jayanti is also known as Shani Amavasya. We all know that Lord Shani is the son of Lord Surya, who rules all planets.

As per the north Indian Purnima calendar, Shani Jayanti 2025 is conducted on Amavasya tithi during the Jyestha month.

According to the South Indian calendar, Shani Jayanti is observed in Vaishaka month on Amavasya tithi.

Shani Jayanti 2025

These months differ in both types of calendars, and Shani Jayanti is observed on the same day.

On the day of Shani Jayanti, Vat Savitri Vrat is also observed by married women and unmarried girls during jyestha Amavasya in most of the north Indian states.

Some devotees keep fasting or Upvas on Shani Jayanti to please Lord Shani, and devotees also visit the Shani temples to get the blessings of Lord Shani.

It is also said that Lord Shani is the God of justice who always does fair justice to his devotees. If devotees are blessed by Lord Shani, they will get good fortune and good luck.

But if some people are not blessed by Lord Shani, they will have to tolerate difficulties and troubles even after doing hard work in their lives.

To worship and please Lord Shani, you can organize havan, pooja

, and yagya on the day of Shani Jayanti.

The pandit performs the two most important ceremonies during Shani Jayanti: Shani Tailabhishekam and Shani Shanti Puja.

The reason to perform these ceremonies is to reduce the effects of Shani dosha, which means sade sati if someone is going through these in his horoscope. The other names of Shani jayanti 2025 are Shanishchara jayanti and Sani jayanti.

Shani Jayanti 2025: Date & Timing

This year, the auspicious occasion of Shani Jayanti will be celebrated on Tuesday, 27th May. The Amavasya will be starting on 26th May 2025 at 12:11 PM and will end on 27th June 2025 at 08:31 AM.

Thursday, 27th May 2025

Amavasya Date Start: 26th May 2025 at 12:11 PM.

Amavasya date ends: 27th June 2025 at 08:31 AM.

Story Of Celebrating Shani Jayanti 2025

Lord Shani is the son of Lord Surya and his wife’s shadow, Devi Chaya, as per the ancient Hindu scriptures.

Devi Chaya is the shadow of Devi Sangya, who left her to take her place. Devi Sangya was not able to bear the heat and brightness of Lord Surya.

Lord Shani Dev was born at that time when Devi Chaya was worshipping and meditating with Lord Shiva in severe penance; that is why he was born dark.

Lord Surya used to belittle Chaaya because he doubted her purity due to Lord Shani’s dark skin.




According to legend, Lord Shani once went furious at Lord Surya’s taunts and cast a scorching glare onto him, causing him to burn and change the colour of his skin to black.

Lord Shiva then treated Lord Surya and revealed the truth about Chaaya and Lord Shani’s conception.

Lord Shiva also gave Lord Shani tremendous power and authority to punish people for their wrongdoings and evil activities.

Significance Of Shani Jayanti 2025

The god of Saturn and Saturday is Lord Shani. According to celestial movements, Saturn is regarded as the planet that moves the slowest.

So, astrologically, the placement of this planet in a person’s birth chart has a crucial and enormous significance. 

People are generally afraid of Saturn since it is said to have negative effects on locals’ lives. Nevertheless, this sluggish planet is the planet of karma.

It only grants victory to those who have endured penance, adversity and struggle as well as worked hard, exhibited discipline, and made honest attempts in their lives.

It relies on an individual’s deeds in the past, whether they would be lucky or prone to bad luck.

Lord Shani, who is reasonable and equitable, rewards the locals with the effects of their own Karma.

Shani also refers to himself as the Lord of the West, Sauri, Manda, Neel, Yama, Kapilaksha, and Chhata Sunu.

In a lifetime, every person experiences a Shani Sade Sati phase, during which they encounter the most difficult challenges of their lives.

Yet, if you do good deeds, Lord Shani will bless you during this time, assisting you in prosperity and relieving you of your sufferings.

Hindus frequently worship Lord Shani to appease him and lessen his negative effects. Those who are in the presence of Sade Sati should regularly pray to god.

Furthermore, fasting on Shani Jayanti and going to his temples blesses the Devotees of Lord Shani with luck.

How To Perform Shani Jayanti 2025

People will celebrate Shani Jayanti 2025 on Tuesday, 27th May. On this auspicious occasion, Lord Shiva and Vishnu are also worshipped, along with Shani Dev, to give manifold results to the devotees.

Shani Jayanti 2025

  • Devotees should take a shower in the morning, go to the Shani temple and give Lord Shani dev Tailabhishekam.
  • In the Shani temple, people can also give donations to the needy.
  • As Lord Shani Dev is the lord of justice, he does not forgive the people who lie to Shani Jayanti, harm the poor people and cheat on someone. Be careful to do these things.
  • Chant Shani’s tantrokta mantra on Shani jayanti

Om Praam Prim Praunsa: Shanyi Namah or Om Shanaishcharaya Namah: 

  • Recite this mantra one, five, or eleven times whether pandits chant the Shani mantra at home or outside the temple.
  • Devotees must donate Sesame oil, black sesame, black urad, and any iron item.

Because Shani Dev values hard effort and discipline, he does not tolerate any laxity in his devotion, hence, it is important to take great care of certain things when worshipping him. 

To worship Lord Shani at home or in the temple, the native must take a bath in the early morning on Shani Jayanti.

Lit pure oil lamps on either side of the Lord’s idol, and burn incense. During the worshipping of Lord Shani, the native should chant the mantra in his mind, and the mantra is also a favourite of his:

ॐ Blue-orange-like, who is the older brother of Yama, the son of Lord Surya. I pay my devotion to that Saturn who is born of the shadow of Martanda.

Shani Jayanti 2025 Important Mantras

  • Shani Beej Mantra

“Om Pram Prim Prom Sah Shanaye Namah” 

  • Maha Mantra

” Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam || Cahaya martanda sambhutam | Tam namami Shanescharam||”

All Details About Shani Jayanti 2025

In the horoscope of natives, people refer to Lord Shani as planet Saturn. People do believe that the effects of Saturn have a profound effect on their lives. It has both favourable and unfavourable effects.

Therefore, people believe that worshipping Lord Shani on this auspicious day will be very helpful. It is also claimed that it lessens the bad effects of Saturn in a person’s horoscope.




Shani Jayanti 2025 also signifies its capacity to offer success, joy, and wealth. Those who observe it religiously and fervently have faith in his immense power.

On this day, devotees do special pujas and rituals, recite mantras, observe fasts, and give to charity.

Devotees also see Shani Jayanti as the day for repentance and requesting forgiveness for one’s previous transgressions and misdeeds.

Also, the favour of Lord Shani can help a person get through hurdles and challenges in life and open up new opportunities.

Benefits Of Shani Jayanti

The bad influence of Lord Shani on devotees may cause sadness, dullness, laziness, conservativeness, failure, poverty, procrastination, and other inauspicious effects.

Hence, worshipping Lord Shani on the day of Shani Jayanti blesses the devotees and gives them many benefits:

  • Relief from the negative effects of Saturn or the Shani Sade Sati cycle in the horoscope.
  • A potent ritual called Shani Puja can solve any astrological issues brought on by Saturn.
  • The native will find relief and calm after overcoming all the difficulties and bad luck.
  • The Shani Puja lessens the effects of all your bad deeds. It offers pardon and consolation.
  • Reduce Lord Shani’s sentence for past actions.
  • Enhancements in all areas, including work, finances, and health.
  • The Indigenous reap the benefits of their good deeds and receive a just reward for their labour.
  • Individuals succeed in their activities in every area of life and accomplish their goals without encountering any difficulties.

Remedies To Relief From Shani Dosha

If you are suffering from Shani dosha in your horoscope, you must perform some remedies to get rid of Shani dosha.

The remedy could be that you chant the Dasharathkrit Shani Stotra. Always respect the people and your parents; do not insult them.

Similarly, on Saturday, light a lamp with sesame oil. Sesame oil Abhishek of Lord Shani.

Depending on the need, donate black urad, black sesame, or black gram. Fast on Saturdays and recite Shani Vrat Katha. Be active and avoid hurting others.

Shani Jayanti 2025

In addition to these, you should also recite the ten names of Lord Shani to fulfil your wish.

In a verse, chant the name, using “Om” as a prefix and “Namah” as a suffix before every name.

The ten names of Lord Shani are Konastha, Pingala, Babhru, Krishna, Raudrantaka, Yama, Sauri, Shanichar, Mand, and Pippalad.

However, reciting these names daily helps to get rid of Shani dosha and Shani sade sati.

  • You can chant the names: Om Konastha Namah:
  • The pink beaver in the corner represents the black and awful Yama.
  • The fig tree commends Sauri and Saturn for being slow.

Things To Remember On Shani Jayanti (Do’s and Don’ts)

Together with the dos, devotees should remember a few don’ts when celebrating Shani Jayanti.

Devotees should observe the day with piety and devotion. The following are some typical no-nos for Shani Jayanti 2025:



  • On Shani Jayanti, devotees should refrain from eating anything non-vegetarian. On Shani Jayanti, people consider non-vegetarian food unclean and believe it may counteract the benefits of fasting.
  • Also, locals should abstain from using tobacco and alcohol. It is impure and can counteract the advantages of the Shani Jayanti ceremonies and traditions.
  • On Shani Jayanti, devotees should refrain from getting their hair and nails cut. That is unlucky and could provoke Lord Shani’s wrath.
  • On Shani Jayanti, especially when Shani is at his strongest, it is unlucky to be present on fortunate occasions. On this day, devotees should avoid starting anything new or performing important chores.
  • On Shani Jayanti, devotees should refrain from donning gold and silver as it is unlucky and could provoke Lord Shani’s wrath.
  • On Shani Jayanti, avoid taking a nap throughout the day as well. Also, it is unlucky and might counteract the advantages of the rites and traditions practised throughout the day.


In Hinduism, Saturday is dedicated to Lord Shanidev. Shani Deva is thought to be the deity of Saturn. Saturn is said to have primarily negative impacts on its inhabitants.

As a result, everyone worships Lord Shani Dev on Shani Jayanti 2025 to appease him.

Everyone worships and prays to Lord Shani Dev to eliminate the Shani Dosh from their horoscope.

99Pandit provides you with experienced Panditji for the Shani Jayanti 2025 puja. So that your worship experience also becomes joyful. You can book Pandit online very easily with the help of our website, 99Pandit.

The booking process here is very easy. You just have to select the “Book a Pandit” option, and you will be able to book your Pandit by providing your general information, like your name, email, puja place, time, and selection of puja.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When will Shani Jayanti be celebrated in 2025?

A.This year, the auspicious occasion of Shani Jayanti will be celebrated on Thursday, 27th May. The Amavasya will be starting on 26 June 2025 at 12:11 PM and will end on 27 June 2025 at 08:31 AM.

Q. What is Shani Jayanti in Hinduism?

A.Shani Jayanti is the celebration of Lord Shani’s birthday. Shani Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Lord Shani, and Shani Jayanti is also known as Shani Amavasya. We all know that Lord Shani is the son of Lord Surya, who rules all planets.

Q. Who are the parents of Lord Shani Dev?

A. Lord Shani is the son of Lord Surya and his wife’s shadow, Devi Chaya, as per the Hindu ancient scriptures.

Q. Which mantra should be chanted to appease Lord Shani?

A. Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam || Cahaya martanda sambhutam | Tam namami Shanescharam||”

Q. What are the bad effects that can be caused by Shani Dev if he gets angry?

A. The bad influence of Lord Shani on devotees may cause sadness, dullness, laziness, conservativeness, failure, poverty, procrastination, and other inauspicious effects.

Q. Describe the ten names of Lord Shani.

A. The ten names of Lord Shani are Konastha, Pingala, Babhru, Krishna, Raudrantaka, Yama, Sauri, Shanichar, Mand, and Pippalad. Reciting these names daily helps to get rid of Shani dosha and Shani sade sati.



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